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Everything posted by Raxor30

  1. Is it possible to get stock visual terrain to work with KSP 1.3 or not?
  2. Stock Visual Terrain doesnt work for me on version 1.3.....help?
  3. Could I see some screenshots of what the planets look like for everyone because I'm not sure if I installed it properly, things look a little off like the mun is bright and the terrain is not very detailed on kerbin and mun. I would appreciate it
  4. I currently use Andromeda Visual Daydream, and I like the effects. I would like ground textures to be a little better on the moon etc, and the galaxy to have more stars and look better with realistic looking galaxy. Any recommendations?
  5. Upon entering the game, and assets loading, the loading circle comes up and then the game crashes. Here are the logs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bxr119bVa9NHalkwSWhaTXVkWmM?usp=sharing How do I fix this?
  6. i wish i knew what made the star system look like this back in the day >_<
  7. Is the astronomers visual pack - interstellar v2 good? How about the Andromeda Visuals: Daydream, is that good?
  8. About 3 years ago was the last time I played KSP, and back then there was a mod that made the planets looks better and added so many stars and things to the skybox. I forget what it was called. It basically revamped the entire game visually. Is there any mod like that, that is for 1.3 that visually makes KSP a whole new experience? Please let me know ty .
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