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Everything posted by DerpyFez

  1. oh? nice. though i am not going through with re-doing everything again, ill do it some other time XD. thank you for telling me, and have a good day Pleb
  2. thanks for the quick reply, and ill keep that in mind. currently in the procces of re-downloading all mods back to 1.7.3 . . . not how i imagined most of my free time going XD have a nice day Skaramuza
  3. Hey, i ran into some problems when i was starting up my game after downloading. so idk if its because im running ksp 1.8.1 and the mod is 1.7.3 (which it 99% probably is) but its saying the lauchpad.dll is not compatable, and only that. im no good with codes and im fairly new to modded ksp, any fix or is the only solution a whole update to 1.8.1?
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