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    KSP, Fallout [series], Warframe, Witcher [series], Dark Sounds [cursed series, stuck on 2 q.q], Philosophy, Christian Theology, Topics that catch my fancy at the moment (mostly technology related, but on a broad stroke, pretty much anything that an interesting conversation is to be had on).

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  1. Well, continuing a hard mode career run with only MechJeb as a mod... considering that the farthest I got on an easy mode run two years ago was the Mun & lotsa probles. Probably some rage quits when I crash a tourist boat at 700 m/s (hey it was decelerating! ... and that's what drogue shoots are for, right? ) Also discovering the shear magic that are Service Bays against, well, shear forces. And further learning that rocket science isn't hard, it's just unforgiving.... like the earlier run that I had to let go at -500 prestige, 500 bucks and a roster full of dead Kerbal's 'cause Jeb went lead foot and wouldn't listen to reason on launch.
  2. (FREE! FREE AT LAST... but... poor Kerbals... I'll never see that wiley Jeb get smashed against the the ground when he decides to hop outta the capsule for an EVA before the shoots have fully deployed >.>) Speaking of Jeb, as you're watching the game your team's center drives through a hole in the defense, and pushes the advantage - it looks as though he's going to solidly score ... except erstwhile Jeb falls through the ceiling at supersonic speed, shattering not only the stick, but with a resounding crack the ice below sending jagged shards of ice throughout the entire arena. As the ice settles, surprisingly no one appears to have struck fatally - though Jeb's no where to be seen. Suddenly a loud roar fills the stadium - following the same path as the little green creature came in, and all is fire. Let's hope mission control was playing with respawns - obviously didn't have invuln buildings set. I just got a pizza oven! What could possibly go wrong!?
  3. A random online person creates a forum account specifically to necro this thread (against his better judgement), as the Master from Fallout - newly merged with the Vault Dweller that sided with him proceeds to march his Super Mutant army to the locally appearing Guardian of Forever, and seeds the multiverse with Super Mutants. Your choices are now: Super Mutants, Super Mutant anime 'girls' (they're androgynous, so... then again it's anime, so there's almost certainly something feature that as it is....) or Kerbals (the relationship between them and Super Mutants seems akin to Wookies/Ewoks, now that I think of it.) The Kerbals, recognizing the Master's army as long lost kin of sorts, turn their rocket technology into weapons of war, and stream in endless hoards through the newly opened dimensional gateway, subduing and subjugating the rest of the multiverse until... I, uncharacteristically, necro a thread - what's the worst that could happen?
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