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Everything posted by kolinkerman

  1. I've been using USI LS for a while and I love it, but I'm running into an issue with habitation and I'm not sure if it's due to me just not understanding it. I have a craft with 3 crew, composed of a lander with a Mk1-2 Command Pod connected to a PPD-10 Hitchhiker module via a docking port. The mission profile is the lander + hab module arrive at Minmus, the crew transfers to the lander, they undock, and the lander lands on the surface. Prior to undocking, the habitation values for all 3 crew read 219 days. After undocking, they drop to about 9 days, which is what I expected. But after lander moves 150m or more away from the habitation module, the habitation values drop to "expired" and the crew stop working. I'm not sure what's going on and I was hoping someone could fill me in.
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