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Everything posted by AngryH

  1. You're going to have to be clearer, sorry. I don't understand the way you're using "mechanics." I can't manually attach anything or do any kind of construction with an EVA naut in stock, so yes I would certainly say it's adding a new mechanic. How exactly are you meant to assemble a base on-site using corridors? Are my only two choices really to just build it in the VBA to begin with, or triple the parts required by adding TWO docking ports on each corridor I'm hooking up during EVA construction? *edit* Oh I get it. You're taking issue with the fact that I'm conflating KPBS and KAS/KIS. They're heavily promoted as a trio on the mod site, and I use them that way. So my original question still stands, with those three mods, what's the intended way to build an on-site base with corridors during EVA.
  2. Hi, love the mod. But the basic mechanics of things aren't very well explained in the instructions at aaall. How the heck do I attach two modules together with the corridor pieces? I can attach the corridor to one module just fine, but at that point I can't do anything but move it back and forth between the two modules I want to actually connect. Do I really need to specifically install a corridor docking port on the end of the corridor and the second module? If so, why can't that be made easier? You're never going to want to do anything with a corridor but use it to connect to something(s), I question the hassle/design choice of requiring 2-4 extra parts just to do the basic function the 1-piece corridor is meant to fulfill. I really hope there's a simpler way to do this that just isn't clear, I flew all the way to Minmus multiple times with these base sections and all sorts of spare part, but it never even crossed my mind that I'd need "docking" to manually attach a corridor during EVA *edit* I've thought about it more while waiting for this post to be moderated, and that can't be the way it's done. I have to be missing something right? How do people make long corridors if you have to slap two docking ports on each piece, that'd be ridiculous. Or alternately force you to build everything in the VBA, which seems to blow apart the entire premise of this KPBS/KIS/KAS informal modpack and what it's supposed to let you do with EVA building. I can't for the life of me figure out what the feature I'm missing here is, though.
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