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Everything posted by GRS

  1. Banned for a cycle that won't terminate
  2. One Brofist Spinner coming... i want some PewDiePie KSP Memes
  3. GRS

    Word Evolution

    Heard Crowd in India
  4. You can't stop spamming this thing... or this thing...
  5. I created a chemical reaction that turns those Chlorines into Chloride Acid that killed you all... My Hill...
  6. What u mean about that thing ??? 7/10
  7. Physical Timewarp while flying an Unstable Monster Craft
  8. Floor 22899 Combining those shards makes T Series Logo, like this... TUBM will summon PewDiePie to beat it...
  9. There are loads of ways you can find about "GRS"...like "GRiSelda"... Failing (Got Flipped On) Flip = anything that Autocorrects to "Flip"
  10. You succumbed to overlaughing and died... I came after the hill is clear of Laughing Gas, My Hill...
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