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Everything posted by GRS

  1. That thing starts acting like a Balloon... What's a "Schroedinger's Triangle" ???
  2. Correction : ABSOLUTELY Unfair...like...your Parachute torn apart when you're supposed to be safe to deploy.
  3. 99 (+) Jiren : It's over @Aperture Science, made another score LOL...
  4. Banned for being the 22055th Poster here.
  5. Made it myself, at least he tried to get off Eve...
  6. https://imgur.com/a/j3aOs7i A Double Dres Round Trip Mission Report.
  7. @XB-70A : 85 (-) @Mad Rocket Scientist : 85 (-) after @XB-70A, which is Invalid due to Double posting. Last valid was @XB-70A 85 86 (+)
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