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  1. sorry.....I just saw the answer on the previous page.
  2. There's a problem with J404 and rapier. This mod cannot identify these two double-mode engine. I mean if you only place these two kind of engines on your plane, the dv, TWR, thrust and everything like that which is related to engines' properties will just show nothing; and if you place other kind of engines on your plane, this mod will calculate these data only based on engines you just placed. It seems this mod only considers these two engines as dead weight. Does anyone meet the same problem as me? I'm useing the latest version ( with ksp1.3
  3. So do you mean that some mods like this p-wing which said that they support ksp 1.3 are not actually support 1.3? I mean this is not the only one which I found that conflict with MM 2.8.1...
  4. The current version 2.8.1 conflict with B9 Aerospace Procedural Wings. When I use them both, I cannot edit my wings by press J.
  5. I have the same problem. After a long test I find that the reason is the Module Manager 2.8.1 conflict with this Procedural Wing. I changed my Module Manager back to 2.7.6 and then it works when I press J. However, Module Manager 2.8.1 is required by B9 Part Switch in ksp1.3, so I cannot use this mod with B9 main part at the same time. I think there's still some problem with Module Manager 2.8.1.
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