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Everything posted by brendanizmoarawesome

  1. Hi, I am having troubles getting the mod installed on a fresh install of KSP 1.3. I have figured out that I need to get the latest release on GitHub and have found the updated list of dependencies. I installed all the dependencies into made gamedata folder and made sure the game could run. Then I installed the AVP 3.4 files and it worked, sort of. The first issue I noticed is that when viewing the mun from Kerbin only half of it is rendered with the mods visuals. Next was that Laythe's night side was bright and had a blue hue to all of it, also Moho non longer had the dust hemisphere in front of it's day side. When launching from Kerbin, after climbing above the clouds, there is a clear divide between atmosphere and space that isn't very pleasing. Last, there are no city lights on Kerbin's night side. I followed the limited instructions given as best I could. I might have messed up in the installation process but all I was told to do was download and install the dependencies and then AVP 3.4 and after following that I'm having these issues. I would love to use this visual mod. I think it brings the best visuals to KSP, but I'm frustrated that even after digging to find out where to get the latest files, and following the install instructions, the pack still is not fully working as expected. Hopefully there's a simple fix for this, can't wait to use the mod. p.s. The clouds look very melted and liquid. Like wet water paint, I dont know if this is how it's suppose to be but it doesn't look right from what I've seen of other's installs. I would give screen shots but I cant figure out how to get them on this post. I apologize.
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