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  1. hi there im trying to remove textures unlimited from the b9 procedural stuctural wings. i cant find the folder its in and i can use the help
  2. that likely a conflict with textures unlimited. i stopped using it after i found simple repaint
  3. new question t35 pit. how do you use the holow veiw (it says hello word)
  4. so i got the mods. only issue i see is the su30 glass isn't see through. am i missing something?
  5. you wouldn't happen to have a link to their mods do you?
  6. also the frx-99 iva as well as the sylphid cockpit they teased do you think they may give the liscense to linux?
  7. so i've had an issue for months where i upload using the mod but i the pictures doesn't load with it. anyone know the reason?
  8. https://spacedock.info/mod/3198/Precise Editor Continued
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