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Everything posted by Dundrogen

  1. It would be nice to have options for struts to stay attached or detach when parts are strutted on either side of a decoupler or stack separator. this would effectively allow two separate vessels to remain bound but individually controlled.
  2. Thanks for the info @Bottle Rocketeer 500 I'll have a go at this.
  3. I've been flirting with the idea of working on a suicide lander command pod. No parachutes. Just a small reserve of solid fuel with high ASL SRB mini deployable engines for the final suicide touch down. It would also house a deployable airbrake to aerobrake in the lower atmosphere. How would i go about increasing the drag value for the pod when the air brakes are deployed? Iv'e looked at cfg files for the stock air brake and also the grid fins from the re usable parts mod and i can't seem to figure it out. Also, do imported animations from blender affect the actual mesh when deployed? As in the case of the storage containers and landing gear. It would seem that there are two drag cube values for a deployed state and stowed state. Any pointers to the proper cfg modules would be great.
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