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Posts posted by Sarahleth

  1. On 15/07/2017 at 7:11 AM, SpecialSpock said:

    Due to the glitchyness of the Xbox version of the game, I have been unable to get every kerbal in a chair. Could I still get some credit if I used a single kerbal, but showcased the other seats, proving they're there?

    A kerbal in or out of a command seat weighs 0.09375 Tonnes (93.75 kg) For 15 kerbals that's 1.40625 t. And that means since you left out those other 14 kerbals you flew with 1.3125 tonnes less than you would have done with the kerbals.  

    (That's a 93.33% Kerbal mass decrease.)

  2. 1 minute ago, HvP said:

    @Sarahleth From what I can tell from your screenshot your mission clock is showing yellow digits instead of green digits. This means that the game is slowing playback somewhat in order to have more CPU cycles to compute physics. In atmosphere flight and/or high part counts will often have this effect. If the clock is red then it means that the game is running seriously slow in order to compute all of the calculations the game needs to do in order to run complex physics on high part count scenes.

    It should be easy to test if this is the cause of the discrepancy. The mission clock runs more slowly when yellow/red. All you have to do is see if the in-game mission clock is keeping up with your stopwatch.

    Oh yeah i forgot about the clock, and thanks i never knew about the showing of yellow/ red to indicate the game's slowing down. Thanks for the help.

  3. 6 minutes ago, qzgy said:

    True.... Maybe a simple way to check if a game second is equivalent to a real second is to level out the plane and let it fly for 30 seconds or something. Using the speed output, calculate how much distance SHOULD have gone by and compare how much distance has actually gone by.

    Good idea. It would be quite simple yeah.


    Just level the plane and go at for instance 60 m/s travel for 30 seconds and i should go 1800 metres. 

    But if for instance i go 1000 metres i know time is weird. So i work out the difference: 1-((1800 - 1000) / 1800) So i now know that 1 second real life is 0.55555555555555555555555555555556 seconds in game.

    (Though that was just an example of calculation and i'd need to test it later to get actual results)


    I'll have ago at giving the game a test at some point as it would be interesting for many applications.

  4. 1 hour ago, qzgy said:

    I can't say for sure, but more than likely its a frame rate thing.

    I'm not 100% sure about how KSP does physics, but I think its like per frame. Soif you have a slower frame rate, it might cause the game time to physically run slower.

    That's what i was thinking. But it'd be a bit crap if the stats that they show are only accurate at 60 FPS or something similar.

  5. My plane was doing 0.13 fuel units per second, so i figured i'd time how long it takes to expend a unit of fuel, it took 23.56 seconds.
    But my calculations predicted far different from that result. My calculations are bellow.

    0.13 units/s
    1/.13 = 7.6923076923076923076923076923077 (seconds delay between each unit use)

    As you can see i predicted ~7.69 seconds, but i expirienced 23.56 seconds. A ~206.37% increase.

    I've added a screen-shot i took around the time of calculations in-case it helps.

    Can anyone tell me where i went wrong in calculations or if something like my frame rate is causing odd updates or something? 
    (I had on average 11 FPS, and i timed the fuel expenditure with a stopwatch with 1/100 second accuracy.
    Also note that in the screen shot it has .09 but at the time of calculation it had .13)heYFw2D.jpg

  6. On 15/07/2017 at 11:39 PM, artwhaley said:

    I was amused enough that I just went ahead and added this to my KRPC script.  I've got a few more things to do before I make another pull request but you can get the version on my fork at



    You'll need to download the rover.py and the pid.py files and then in the same directory you'd create your script.   You don't have to understand everything in the rover or pid files to use it.   You just need to make a script that will call the functions.   As an example this script could look like:

    import krpc
    from rover import rover_go
    conn=krpc.connect()   ## connect to KRPC
    ## next create a waypoint.  Replace the coordinates (0.05, -75.0,)  with the lat and lon you want to drive to
    wp1 = conn.space_center.waypoint_manager.add_waypoint(  
            0.05,-75.0, conn.space_center.active_vessel.orbit.body,"Waypoint1")
    rover_go(conn, wp1)  #call the rover script.   
    ## the rover script will then do it's thing, recharging when battery is low and autosaving every 5 minutes
    ## if the situation looks nominal enough.


    Thanks, i'll check this out when i have the time.

  7. 18 minutes ago, danielboro said:

    KOS and Smart Parts
    can work
    i use both of them to do similar things

    how fast is you rover going?
    i see 30 in the pic. is that inaf to break the panels?
    did you try smaller panels?

    My rover tends to average 30 m/s whilst it's being controlled by mechjeb, because i set it to that because i don't trust it with grater speeds. I've not tested if that speed can rip them off but the problem is that with quick inclinations and other things on the terrain it can raise the g force which i know for a fact is enough to rip them right off.

  8. 1 minute ago, Snark said:

    That would be great!  :D

    If you do decide to make one yourself, might I suggest the following?

    • Make it apply to anything deployable, not just solar panels.
    • Don't make it specifically tied to anything like "running out of electricity".  Have it based solely on "dangerous dynamic pressure."
    • It would just retract the deployable thing when the situation is getting dangerous, and extend the deployable thing when the situation appears to be safe.
    • "Dangerous" means "over the dynamic pressure limit, or else close to it and rising".  "Safe" means "under the limit, and not trending upwards".  With user-selectable thresholds so they can tune it (i.e. how far under the limit the threshold is, and what rate of change).

    With something like that, it would be broadly useful to everyone in a whole lot of situations.  In your own case, it would cause it to extend the solar panels when the rover's going slow, and retract them when it's going fast, which is really what you care about anyway, yes?

    Yeah that sounds like a great idea. I'm pretty sure i'll get around to trying that. I've only looked at the making of mods in ksp a little bit though. And though i do mod in other games quite a bit i've still got a bit to learn about making mods in ksp before i can make it work a nice and things.

  9. Just now, Snark said:

    ^ Okay, so that's a pretty important requirement.  It's not, "I need a mod that extends panels" but also "that retracts them".  Might want to call that out in your OP:wink:

    Anyway, thanks for the clarification, and I'll stop hijacking your thread now.  :)

    It would be a pretty straightforward mod to create something like that (the code would be fairly simple), so I wouldn't be surprised if something like that exists.  I could imagine other useful scenarios for such a mod (e.g. "I've got a reentering spacecraft.  Auto-retract any deployable things when the dynamic pressure starts approaching the danger point.")  If there is such a mod, hopefully someone will chime in here.

    Thanks i'll edit the origional post in a sec. And yeah i'm sure that there's some mod out there that's just hard to find that already does this. I'm almost considering doing it myself.

  10. Just now, Snark said:

    Still not following.  Even with that option, how does it recover without ripping off the panels?  As soon as the panels deploy (whether it's before or after MJ warps to the next day), it's going to charge up the rover, yes?  Which means MJ no longer has any reason to brake, and will just go full speed ahead with the panels still deployed, yes?  Which will rip them off?

    Would it not solve the whole problem by just using non-deployable solar panels that are always on and can keep the rover charged even while it's rolling?

    Yes non-deployables would work. But mechjeb doesn't stop time warping untill the next day, and hopfully any mod or kOS or whatever i used to auto deploy the panels would also be able to retract them afterwards.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Snark said:

    But would that even work?  I don't know how MechJeb does that auto-warp feature, but given that "next day" is several hours, I assume it's regular warp and not physics warp.  Which means nothing physical can happen during that interval.  Which I assume means that it wouldn't be able to deploy the solar panels during the warp.  And as soon as the warp ends and it's the next day and it can extend the panels, wouldn't MJ then start driving and rip the panels off?

    Well what happens is that as power lowers the rover's speed lowers so at that point i could set the solar panels to deploy and then electric would run out and mechjeb would warp

    you can see the option in the image: d2cd12456fd330b94540b27a554fa2b3.png

  12. Just now, Snark said:

    But in that case, how would the auto-extend feature help you?  Because as soon as it's restored any electric power to the rover at all, wouldn't MechJeb go ahead and start driving the rover anyway, with the panels still extended, causing them to get ripped off anyway?

    (again, please excuse my MechJeb ignorance)

    No because mechjeb has a feature that it warps to the next day if you run out of electric charge, but there is a delay so there'd be time to auto deploy the solar panel.

    Just now, Snark said:

    does kOS not fit the bill?  (Haven't ever used it myself, but I gather that it's the go-to choice for automated scripting of KSP craft.)

    I've heard of kOS but not yet dabbled with it.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Snark said:

    ...so why not just deploy the panels before you walk away from your computer, i.e. before MechJeb starts driving the rover, and just leave them open?

    (Sorry if I'm dense and there's some good reason that would be obvious to any MechJeb user-- I never use it myself.)

    Because the dynamic atmospheric pressure (Q) would be too high and the solar panels would collapse. (The rovers on kerbin, i forgot to mention that.)

  14. 4 minutes ago, Snark said:

    Hello, and welcome to the forums!  :)

    Moving to Add-on Discussion, since the tech support forum is for "my game is broken, how do I fix it" type of questions.

    As to your actual question,

    ...I don't know of any myself (sorry I can't be more helpful there), but I'm kinda curious about the gameplay reasons why you need this.  Why not just deploy the panels as soon as you're out of atmosphere, and just leave them deployed?

    (i.e. what was your reason for not having them deployed already anyway?  why wait until the EC gets low?)

    Ah thanks. And i need them to auto deploy because i am using mechjeb's roverautopilot and i want to leave my game whilst it moves the rovers; and so i want the solar panels to autodeploy once the rover has run out of power so it can recharge and then mechjeb will start driving it again. Sorry if that was badly explained.

  15. I am wondering if there's a way to make solar panels deploy automatically (or retract automatically) when my current electric charge storage reaches a certain point. I've not found any mods that can do this nor any in game way but if someone can point me in the correct direction etc then i would be very much grateful.

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