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Everything posted by L0ck0n

  1. Hello Is there some way to make part (turret/rotary rack) which works like US Mk-13 launcher (Turret with reload animation)? Maybe whole part is Turret module- thing and under that is rotary rack with animation (after rotation missile is raised to firing position)? Or it's pushing BDA and KSP functionality too far?
  2. Hi, I have animated part imported into Unity (it works in editor). How to make looped animation play automatically in game (after part/vessel is launched), what to put in config, etc? Nvm- i fixed that, just stupid mistake when imporint into unity, clicked wrong thing in animation tab.
  3. I want to make whole ship as one part (including launchers). Only AK-230 turrets are separate parts. Its mainly for optimalization, ships with bigger amount of parts made KSP and CPU cry. Is there some way to change hitpoints and armor value in part config? I'm also using HullBreach for this part so i want to make this thing really hard to completely destroy but relatively easy to sink.
  4. Thx, but i found easier solution. Importing model as fbx makes all animations separated. Importing as .blend file into unity merges animations into one. If you want multiple deploy animations just import these animated parts of model as .blend file and then add these parts to your priviously imported fbx model in objects hierarchy in Unity. Its like 30 seconds of work. Finally made it working, here are some pics: with closed hatches: Launching missile (open hatches, multiple animations) It's still WIP
  5. Hi, i'm working on some custom bda parts. Is there some way to make turret (one single part) with two deploy animations (fbx imported from Blender into Unity contains two animations)?
  6. Enterprise from this mod "https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/152916-14xaircraft-carrier-accessories/" is not working with hullbreach for me. I cant find other mod with Enterprise. Could you give link to it?
  7. Is this mod compatible with https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/152916-14xaircraft-carrier-accessories/& ? Even with very high "Flowamount" and "Maxamount" values ship is not sinking. But removing this: MODULE { name = FXModuleConstrainPosition matchRotation = true matchPosition = false CONSTRAINFX { targetName = rudder moversName = rudder1 } CONSTRAINFX { targetName = rudder moversName = rudder2 } } MODULE { name = Floatsystem Stability = 500 yaws = 1 yawc = 3 } From Aircraft carrier accesories config makes ship sinkable. Maybe there is incombatibility between HullBreach Plugin and plugin from Aicraft carrier accesories mod? Or maybe there is some workaround or way to make this ship sinking?
  8. Is there some way to make really heavy part (with mass like 10000 or more) floating? Maybe something in cfg file?
  9. If i have two cannons in one turret (two firetransform points) and "roundsPerMinute = 1200" in cfg file that means there is 1200 rounds per minute for each cannon (2400 for whole turret) or 1200 rounds per minute for all cannons (1200 for whole turret)?
  10. Hello! I'm developing my own mod and i want to use assets- textures and plugins (modify and release them in my mod) from two other mods (which are not mine). One is released under CC BY-SA license and the other one is released under MiT license. Is it allowed to use both MiT and CC BY-SA license in one mod? If so then should i release my mod under both MiT and CC BY-SA license? Sorry if i opened this topic in the wrong section.
  11. Awesome mod! I think that there is some problem with collsion/goemetry mesh in Flanker and Su-57 cockpit. At high speeds (only) FPS/ game performance drops dramatically. Maybe collision mesh is incorrect and game struggles with calculating aerodynamics?
  12. Thx, bigger radar window is especially usfeul for selecting swarm of missiles at bigger distances.
  13. IMO these lines in config files are incorrect (values should be muuuuch smaller): maximum_drag minimum_drag angularDrag Currnetly for "Radar data receiver" it looks like: maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 Similar values are used in Mk1 fuselage config.
  14. Awesome mod, waiting for 1.4.x version. By the way, I've noticed issues with drag on some parts. For example "Radar data receiver" has drag similar to that of Mk2 or Mk1 fuselage, isn't that too much? Similar thing with "Weapon manager". It is very visible when these parts are attached to the plane (speed is greatly reduced, especially at low altitudes).
  15. Sukhoi Su-27 (Su-27PU/Su-30 two-seat version) After a lot of struggle with KSP stock aerodynamics its able to achieve high speed and maneuverability even at low altitude.
  16. Again some russian stuff- Mi-24 "Hind"
  17. Chengdu J-20 Plane is maneuverable, stable and equipped with a lot of missiles carried inside weapons bay.
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