Stealth feature is an awesome addition to the game. But it is quite simple, because it must be resource-efficient (optimization). Current RCS is based (calculated) on three pictures (frontal, lateral, ventral). Now the plane, which has low frontal RCS, still has large overall RCS (and is easy to detect), because it has a large ventral or lateral RCS. Real-time calculating, making these grayscale images in the game would be too demanding. But I have an idea: the game could calculate in real time only the angle (in three dimensions) at which "plane A" is flying relative to the "plane B" radar. An angle in the X, Y, Z axis could be set to determine whether the "plane A" is facing forward or sideways to the "plane B" radar. If "plane A" would fly to the "plane B" frontally, the game would select premade (in hangar) RCS value based on frontal grayscale of "plane A". "Plane B" radar would take into account only the frontal RCS of the "plane A". The game would have to calculate in real time only the angle between planes or objects. Such system shouldn't be resource-hungry.
Here is picture that shows how it could work: