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The Nitromancer

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Posts posted by The Nitromancer

  1. 1 hour ago, JeffreyCor said:

    Yes you have by your own list, B9PartSwitch IS a fuel switcher mod.:P Try removing that and see if the problem persists. Remember to remove the MM cache files also before reloading. There are sometimes ones that can cause weird things but that is the first place to start. :)

    B9 unistalled, cache deleted, still not working

  2. 32 minutes ago, JeffreyCor said:

    Not a bug but a conflict. Probably with TweakScale or a fuel switcher mod. This mod isn't compatible so blocks out parts used by those mods, but installing TW applies itself to all parts unless you remove the patches from the TW install. If all parts have an incompatible mod being applied to them, all parts will be ignored.


    I've never installer TweakScale nor any type of fuel switcher, my only mods are: x Science, B9PartSwitch, KerbalEngineer, KerbalKonstructs, KRnD, KSP-AVC, NearFuturePropulsion, PlanetaryBaseInc, TransferWindowPlanner, DeflatableHeatShield.

    If any of the above is not compatible with R&D please tell me.

    Other forms of help will be gladly accepted :) 


  3. 2 hours ago, Terwin said:

    You should have a R&D button on the toolbar, click that and the last clicked part will show up in the upgrade window.(you may need to add a part to the work area to be able to do research on it, but I do not think it even needs to be part of a vessel, just the last part you drug around on the screen.

    That's the problem, once clicked the R&D button a grey window saying "Select the part you want to improve" pops up, the window stays the same no matter how much I click in a part, no matter if it is on a vessel or not and no matter wether i left, right, middle or double click. I guess it's a bug but after reinstalling I still have the same problem :/

  4. Is there an specific key combination or anything like that to select the parts to upgrade in the editor? I think I've tried everything and the parts just wont appear in the mod's box. Am I the only one with this program or am I just dumb enough to not be able to click something?

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