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The Nitromancer

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Everything posted by The Nitromancer

  1. So it is a CKAN bug and not an incompatibility of my mods?
  2. I've never installer TweakScale nor any type of fuel switcher, my only mods are: x Science, B9PartSwitch, KerbalEngineer, KerbalKonstructs, KRnD, KSP-AVC, NearFuturePropulsion, PlanetaryBaseInc, TransferWindowPlanner, DeflatableHeatShield. If any of the above is not compatible with R&D please tell me. Other forms of help will be gladly accepted
  3. That's the problem, once clicked the R&D button a grey window saying "Select the part you want to improve" pops up, the window stays the same no matter how much I click in a part, no matter if it is on a vessel or not and no matter wether i left, right, middle or double click. I guess it's a bug but after reinstalling I still have the same problem
  4. Is there an specific key combination or anything like that to select the parts to upgrade in the editor? I think I've tried everything and the parts just wont appear in the mod's box. Am I the only one with this program or am I just dumb enough to not be able to click something?
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