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drew m

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Everything posted by drew m

  1. It wouldn't replace what's here, so what would it hurt? If such a mode were added to the game, popularity would sky rocket and you know it. Elements of KSP + Civilization + Starcraft + Star Trek would make the best game ever. Someone else will do it after the copyrights to this thing have expired. EDIT: I don't think you know what a fighting game is. Civilization and Starcraft aren't fighting games. It's about resource management and strategy and would add a great layer of depth to this game.
  2. Imagine this in the career mode: #1: You get money for successful space missions, lots of which is necessary for rockets capable of reaching the farthest planet in the solar system. #2: Once you have enough money to build a rocket capable of reaching the farthest planet and get to that planet, there are valuable elements to be mined from that planet. #3: Upon mining the elements from the planet, new technology utilizing those elements makes it possible to build ships that can reach other solar systems. #4: The new solar system has a variety of new elements or minerals which makes terraforming possible. Space missions can be started from any terraformed and colonized planet. #5: Resources should be gained at a rate proportionate with how many planets you have terraformed and colonized. Besides space missions, resources could also be spent on planetary defensive structures which will be necessary b/c - >>>>> #6: After a certain amount of time in this career mode has passed, a hostile Kerbal-esque race from another solar system attacks, destroying any insufficiently protected colonies created and ending the game if resources weren't managed properly. Balancing your budget between military and exploration would be key. #7: If defenses are sufficient, the invaders will be destroyed and their ships/intergalactic travel techniques learned from. #8: Retaliation or peace could be achieved at this point, it's up to the player. There could be many other races in the galaxy to be warred against or made allies with. #9: Either way, with intergalactic travel now much easier thanks to the intel gleaned from the defeated enemies, many more solar systems that were once way too far away can be reached. Anything could be on those planets, think like in Star Trek The hard part has been done, hostile AI is easy. Almost EVERY game developer has hostile AI, it should be a piece of cake for this development team.
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