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Everything posted by Nightfury

  1. No launch tonight... very curious about the fairing data, if they delay the same launch for three times
  2. Let's see if they launch it this time
  3. For me too. It's like: trying to get up, watch the launch and get to sleep again
  4. I'm in the middle of a school lesson. Probably won't watch it too Yeah, the last one is scheduled in 2018
  5. Hoping that no planes are there today Live covarage started on NASA TV
  6. They should be launching tommorow, to nearly the same time. Like 10-20 minutes difference
  7. Have you turned on advanced tweakables in the settings menu ? It would also turn on autostrut, if you have this neither.
  8. I had some similar problems before. If you download and unzip the files you should put the 3 folders (SSTU, KSPWheel, CRP) and the ModuleManager.dll in the Gamedata folder. You can look for mod incompabilities. Just uninstall all other Mods an install them one by one (If I counted right, there should only be 7 more).
  9. The Tab should be lower in the row, I see there are many tabs, but you should be able to scroll down For a mod: something like Janitor's closet, or other part sorting mods, which can hide parts
  10. Is IFS updated? So it's for 1.3.1 ? If not here's a link to the mod:
  11. I think theres is an extra tab for the parachutes from Real Chute, have you looked there ? If there are no parachutes too, maybe a mod is blocking them
  12. KSP: Windows 64bit Problem: Low framerates at longer mission duration's, even after game restart. FPS normal at launches (over 30) Mods installed: Reproduction steps: Launching anything to the Moon(at least 22part, as for me), after some days (200-340) the FPS are going lower and lower Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h38f823t2ar1msl/output_log.txt?dl=0 Output_log.txt
  13. Hmm, I would say my PC is pretty bad cooled with 75°C at full work With RAM i shouldn't have Problems, I'm at 5GB/8GB and there is space left for more, but my CPU is at 40% when I play KSP, so it seems it's not using all of it's "power" Game restart's doesn't help either, my framerate is low on an 22 Part base after some restarts I had some problems with garbage before, but solved it (was an EVE+Scatterer bug) A question for the logs: where I can find them? In the logs folder of KSP there is only one Kopernicus folder
  14. Maybe an error in the GameData folder, reinstalling could help
  15. I've got a problem with my framerate in my 1.2.2 mod install (73 mods). If I launch a rocket everything is good, but after e.g. 3 days in low earth orbit (SSRSS) , either in flight or from the tracking station, my fps are dropping to the half or more. The longer the missions are, the less fps I get. My Moon Base is up there since 400 days and the fps are at 12 frames and it's getting lower. Thanks for help
  16. @PB666 this is one of the longest text's I've ever seen in this forum
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