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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Are you kidding me? I must have passed that damned place like a gazillion times and I think that was the first damned place I looked....even so I saw it as I passed BY with that truck, not a chance to see it from any kind of orbit. Anyways, now I understand why it\'s 'a funny crater' but that is a very misleading name... Not to mention that that crater is full of debris from previous attempts, funny thing is I wanted to make a 180 degree turn to check another crater that is nearby but kept on going and 20 seconds later KBOOM, found it.
  2. Man I suck at egg hunting. I\'ve passed all craters at about 700-1500m and haven\'t found nothing. Then I 'rovered' in each and everyone of them, still nothing. There are more bodies on the Mun than living people on Kerbin. Eye surgery it is !
  3. I took a Mun Rover and explored a few craters and guess what I found? Nada, squat, nil, zero. I drove like 300k and from time to time I zoomed out to see if I can spot anything....nothing. At one point I saw a glowing stuff but when I got a bit closer it disappeared. Here\'s how I look so far, the crew went crazy a while a go...
  4. Well, here\'s how I see it. I\'m currently playing KSP and it takes 1.1 GB or Ram and about 20-30% of a 2500k so as the above poster says: Your PC is too outdated to play KSP...
  5. Is there any way to increase Draw Distance? I\'ve been 'orbiting' the Mun at about 700-1000m and didn\'t find squat....it\'s either this or I need glasses...
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