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Kerbal Gamer

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  1. Hello, I have been having a problem with the catapults where they tug the plane all they way into the ship resulting in the destruction of the cockpit and most of the plane. Is there any fix?
  2. Hello, I am not getting a toolbar for EVE even though I installed everything (correctly?). https://imgur.com/gallery/BAbj5tS photos of my files. I only have a scatterer tab in menu. My other mods function. Can someone help me? Thank you for your time.
  3. I fixed it by uninstalling and reinstalling KSP and redownloading kerbal foundries. Can I also ask why the IVA has red text saying external view? And will the turrets be able to hold kerbals in the future. Great work on the tracks btw.
  4. Yep I do have EC. I turned on the engines, and the wheels don't respond. Actually brakes work.
  5. I am having problems with the tracks and other wheels. They do not move or provide movement. I have downloaded kerbal foundries. Is there a fix?
  6. Hello. I've been playing around in KSP 1.4.2 with the long tracks and they seem to have a mind of their own. When I launch the vehicle, they do a quick burst of power pushing it along until it runs out of EC, and if I add infinite EC it keeps going. Is there a fix? Thanks. Edit: It seems to be happening with most of the wheels, stock and modded.
  7. Hello. I am having problems with this mod. The parts fill up with sea water, but do no sink. I am using the large boat parts mod and it is not sinking even though it has max sea water. Is there any remedy for this problem? I tried increasing the seawater density to 2 but it didn't work. Please help.
  8. Hmmm, yes it would be hard to deploy them for landing.
  9. You can set one of them inverted deploy I believe.
  10. Are there any mods for different wings? Instead of the straight wings for more round ones.
  11. My game keeps crashing due to it. I removed the trumpet and it works.
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