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  1. Thanks for the advice, problem solved. Now to finish my pod racer.
  2. Been working on a pod racer lately and stumbled onto your Boonta Eve Classic event.

    Do your ships still work with the latest KAS/KIS versions? Can't seem to get a non-rigid connection, even after following your video.

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    1. MikeKerman


      NM. Musta been a different mod conflicting. Now to finish the build and record the run!

  3. Hello everyone. I'm trying to connect two vessels with a winch and connector port using a non-rigid connection (linked via a movable cable). When I use the undocked plug mod, it gives me the right type of cable but does not unite the two vessels into a single vessel. Using the docked plug mode does connect them, but the connection between winch/port becomes rigid. Is there a setting or bit of code I can change to make the docked plug mode a non-rigid connection? Using v0.6.3. Does KAS 1.0 have this option?
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