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  1. Thank you so much, was definitely a PICNIC issue in the end, resolved it by manually installing TURD folder. Thank you for the help
  2. Hey, very interested to install this mod, and lovely to see how active you have been @JadeOfMaar Just wondering is it compatible with turd in its current state? As I've seen a few people have issues. Thank you
  3. same as this guy https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmclyx2k53hf71.png%3Fwidth%3D1188%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dad3111236cbdbb46608e833901b4d0d9d3139bfb
  4. i have same issue. Says "texture not found" when i try and recoulour stuff, and my recolouring gui is just blank and wont close. any ideas? ive installed stock recoulur, textures unlimited, and have module manager. Plus i have the reflections thing turned on. any ideas? thanks
  5. Hey, mine has an issue. Says "texture not found" when i try and recoulour stuff, and my recolouring gui is just blank. any ideas? ive installed stock recoulur, textures unlimited, and have module manager. Plus i have the reflections thing turned on. any ideas? thanks
  6. Hey, mine has an issue. Says "texture not found" when i try and recoulour stuff, and my recolouring gui is just blank. any ideas? ive installed stock recoulur, textures unlimited, and have module manager. Plus i have the reflections thing turned on. any ideas? thanks
  7. Thats a shame, i do like bending reality in games, if it was possible that would be awesome!
  8. How a bout an atmospereless donut shaped planet? could be about the size of minmus with a very low gravity, this would be a fun unique idea as if you killed off all velocity you could maintain an orbit in the centre of the donuts hole.im as good at modding as a brick is at cleaning windows, so ill leave the idea to u. if u decide to go ahead with this a shoutout to my youtube (dinoduderocket) would be appreciated. hope u like this
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