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  1. I can confirm. It seems to work fine in 1.9.0.
  2. Is this project still active? It's exactly what I'm looking for. I'm gonna give it a go.
  3. Something occurred to me today: The thermal receivers could be used with mirrors to generate electricity. A thermal receiver paired with a generator, as usual, but then a series of heliostats placed in the vicinity to direct the light to it. I suppose if the heliostats were a part of the same vessel it would be easier to make them automatically aim for the receiver, but if it was possible to have other vessels (in orbit, or on the surface) track the sun and the receiver you could have much larger arrays.
  4. I don't know if this has been posted earlier in this thread (TL:DR ), but I have head great success using Infernal Robotics rotating actuator parts as pitch trim actuators for my aircraft. Set the speed to lowest in the editor, and set up the IR grouping. You could use it for roll and yaw trim, too, but I tend to build aircraft that are fairly stable in roll, and yaw tends to look after itself. It does make the joint a bit wobbly at high speeds, though.
  5. My favourite has to be Eris. Tiny planet drifts in, causes trouble, and Pluto gets demoted.
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