I cannot make sounding rocket based on RT-5 "Flea" Solid Fuel Booster (tech node 0 in Unmanned before Manned - RT-10 unavailable.)
Posted this here, because I think that my problem may be UBM+FAR issue (or lack of balance).
As you can see, it's based on Probodobodyne OKTO, with 0.3 KN*m SAS. FAR mod is active. KSP version 1.1.3 (BECAUSE ) (Just prefer this version because ~90 mods was installed and tested for compatibility and so. Have no time to do this again with 1.3 version. May be later. Also, I prefer this version balance.)
Anyway - with 1.1.2 physics (as I can remember FAR was broken that time - it was just disabled by auother or so) - it wored fine even with Probodobodyne Stayputnik (no SAS).
Now at speed ~100 m/s even with 4-6 Basic Fins it becomes unstable (why? The center of mass moves UP. The center of drag stays in place. So, I think it's air drag...) and overturns. TWR change (1.2-1.66-2.0) makes no efect.
What can I do? Add 1-2 more Probodobodyne OKTO ? Or make rotating rocket (roll movement due to the tilt of the Fins)? May be UBM supposed to be installed with some other mods. Alternatively, maybe there is mod boosting reaction wheels (I can do it manually in part file anyway... However, it's unfair.)
So what's wrong? My design, UBM part order or characteristics, lack of mods?