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Everything posted by bcink

  1. Thank you!!! Thanks!! You can count on some questions coming up
  2. Thank you very much for the support!!!
  3. James Webb For Kerbal 1.0 Initial Release is now available for download. The James Webb is now powered by Tarsier Space Technologies and has a fully functional space telescope. Added a temperature science experiment module also. Loading of the base structure with blendshape animations for the folding/expanding heat shield layers and the ability to have the super shiny reflective JWST mirrors and heat shield is made possibly by @Shadowmage's awesome plugin, and can be turned on or off at will by moving the two optional config files included in the downloads folder into or out of the GameData folder - SO PLEASE BE SURE to head over to their respective forums and download those two add-ons or Kerbin may explode. Please enjoy the James Webb For Kerbal. Release 1.0 was 70 days in the making. The Kerbal mod dev community is amazing and without their support it simply would not have been possible. I welcome all of your comments, feedback and suggestions on improving the James Webb For Kerbal for everyone! Now grab your favorite 5-meter (or larger) launch vehicle and try out the James Webb!
  4. Here you go: The JWST also now has functional main thrusters: We are so close now...!!
  5. Hey bud!

    Thanks so much for the plugin. It works perfectly!! I would definitely be interested in how to go about applying the PBR based shader to the heat shield layers for reflectivity similar to that on the mirrors from Windowshine mod? I'm not sure where to begin on that aspect.

  6. Amazing work! Verified 100% working with the James Webb as expected!
  7. @MecrippRight on - I was trying to use texture replacer for the shielding layers and that is what's working for the mirrors themselves. Basically, in the config file all I need to do is point %meshes = xxxxxx to the name of the pieces that I want to be reflective. Worked for the central mirrors, the side, the other side, but won't work for any of the blendshapes =/
  8. Well, there were two things I had left to try to get the reflection working on the layers but unfortunately, neither of them did the trick. If I were to take a guess, I suspect it's due to the fact they are blendshapes and not traditional meshes (requiring the use of @Shadowmage's plugin.) Perhaps his new plugin will allow for this possibility. *crossing fingers*
  9. This, I dabbled with a bit yesterday. Give me a bit and I'll see if I can have success with that!
  10. Good day!

    I've been looking around trying to find some space telescope back-end for the James Webb. I almost had Cacteye mod working 100% but came across one issue that makes it in-usable in it's present condition. It looks like Tarsier Space Technologies is another potential option for JWST integration. I took at look at the license and it doesn't seem like there would be any restrictions on it's use if I were to try and integrate it with the JWST. I wanted to reach out to you and make sure there would be no qualms with my doing this, provided I continue to supply a link to the MIT license and provide appropriate credit?

    Thanks for your time!!



    JWST Kerbal Engineer

  11. Due to unforeseen complications with the Cacteye mod, integration will not be taking place at present time (vessel explodes at 90º from facing the sun.) @icedown has been generous enough to offer to adjust the Cacteye code so that it will accommodate the needs of the James Webb. Expect integration once this is made possible. In the mean-time, I will see what I can do about getting some types of scanning and science going for it. Shoutout to @Shadowmage for his assistance with the plugin that made it all possible and his continued assistance on helping make this happen. I think I have decided what I will do is make the Windowshine / TextureReplacer (for the super reflective JWST mirrors) as optional and bundle it with the main pack. Anyone have any final thoughts on this before packaging? (other than @shadowmage who's plugin I am not rushing him for ) Here's some more hype before release:
  12. Howdy! I'm trying to get Cacteye working properly with the James Webb. It looks as though the optics are pointing in the right direction (i see the sun when pointing at it in the GUI) but the destruction from facing the sun happens at a 90 degree angle from the way its facing. Is there a trick to the camera transform axis?
  13. Added 6 nodes to the base structure and the corresponding parts. Assembly is a breeze. It all fit's together real easily and nicely. Fixed up the config files for all the parts. Successfully have the James Webb working as a Cacteye telescope with built-in Planetary 3 camera... Aaand played around with the idea of making Windowshine / texture replacer dependencies....
  14. Absolutely, that's totally fine, and thanks!!
  15. Squirt squirts are working!! (See pic below) I have only the simplest part left to configure (side antenna). I fixed a texturing issue on the base structure. Fixed some rotational issues in the editor with the side flaps. I also need to finish setting up some nodes all around the base structure and same with side flaps, main antenna, side antenna and probably the RCS thrusters as well for easy assembly. Then the final part is some finishing touches on the config file for the base structure including possible Cacteye integration on initial release. I'm pretty sure I need to spend a few minutes with @CobaltWolf and square away some shininess settings on the parts as well. Then I package and release to the world! Prepare your launch facilities. Plan on launching sometime this weekend.
  16. Ah bingo, that explains it, I was rotating the entire thing, thank you! Also I don't think Ive used part tools for any of these parts. Just the asset compiler and loading them that way with your plugin lol. Should I limit its use to only the base structure with the shape keys? I didn't see any issues in-game using that method fwiw.
  17. Ah sorry, referring to inside the editor. I tried merely rotating the object in unity but it didn't affect the object in kerbal editor.
  18. Beautiful, that's perfect. Thanks a lot. That knowledge would have saved me a bunch of time on the solar panels, LoL @Shadowmage Is there something different that needs to be done for rotating the entire object's orientation inside Kerbal?
  19. Alright, the side solar panels attach and function. The main antenna is complete and attaches and functions as well. I launched it up in a 5m non expanded fairing. It's the tightest fit ever but it works. There is still some touch up that needs done on the body however, and maybe some attachment nodes to make it easier on everyone. This leaves the RCS thrusters. I understand to make them it's an empty transform with it's y facing the direction of thrust. Can't figure out exactly how to determine which direction is facing y within unity. Can anyone advise?
  20. Figured I would start with the next hardest part.... I learned how to deal with animated collision meshes, as well as how to create a solar panel in Unity and configure it to a panel in-game. Finished the rear solar panel. See pic:
  21. You're fine - It definitely falls under the category of unnecessary for the purposes of the Kerbal universe, other than to add a small amount of self-propulsion (which will pretty much only be able to handle small orbital adjustments. I presume they would be desired simply because they are on the actual JWST and that's all In RL, it's a fancy set of 8x redundant dual monopropellant thrusters that run on hydrazine only and no oxidizer. When combined they provide pitch, roll and yaw control. Fun fact: Due to the awkward shape of the JWST, any adjustments to the pitch, roll, or yaw must be calculated into it's maneuver nodes ahead of time as they also affect the vehicle's DeltaV.
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