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Everything posted by blooder14

  1. Are you using stock or modded? Stock is quite easy, Delta-V requirements are not that hard (about 2000 m/s to go from surface to orbit of Duna), with maybe a refuel craft in orbit around duna you should be golden quite easly. Also remeber Duna has an atmosphere, so you can both aerobrake and try a parachute landing, just remeber the atmosphere is VERY thin and quite low. Modded it's a whole lot more complicated if you have things such as life support or FAR, but you have also tools like mechjeb to help.
  2. i can't find it anywhere in settings, both in main menu -> setting and pause -> settings. I also tried the space center icon but there is no "settings" button and no luck either on the mod folder
  3. 1080p full screen on main monitor, but i have a second 1080p monitor for videos, data, calculation, spreadsheets and so on
  4. My lesson for today: always check your fuel type for engines. just wasted A LOT of work sending a Deep space probe just to realize i used a LF+O tank for a LH2 engine
  5. 50k is the price of the whole package booster AND probe by the way more like a lot of luck since the eclipse ended when i was flying about 700km above the mun, just needed a quick orbit manouver and when i was inside the Mun SOI everything was back under control
  6. i was going for a quick contract probe, under 50k cost, RTG alone costs about 10k. For a more "sensitive mission" like planets flybys i agree a small reactor is always a good idea
  7. Just almost got screwed over a Kerbin solar eclipse of the moon. got stuck for several minutes without power
  8. i know but i think MOST of the crowd using mods has at least kerbal engeneer, if not mechjeb.. well i will just give my humble advice, i think it's maybe a couple of code lines to check if there's an install of KER or Mechjeb
  9. Found it! Mariner 2 EVE flyby for me! something is kinda messed up in that contract, i'll look into what contract pact it is and report it to the mod-maker
  10. i'll try to complete a EVE flyby (which has an oddly specific 90k-95k altitude) maybe it's that, thx very much!
  11. Finally completed and stuffed Orbital Habitat I ( by the way if someone has any idea on how to remove the orbital info under the altimeter please pm me because it's driving me mad D: )
  12. what's not clear? I'm trying to understand what "mark" you are referring to but i'm having a hard time... so i'm asking you for precise instructions
  13. sorry i might be blind or something but i really don't see the marker you are referring to. Because this info is on new vessels, landed vessels and so on Can you make a visual indication on which marker you are referring? being on this screen ( http://imgur.com/NSgu74k ) how do i remove the info highlighted in red, just circle it or make a step by step guide
  14. modded ksp is hell, 100+ mod ksp is asking for trouble Scott Manley reference TRYING to fly safe is our best bet
  15. blooder14

    Hi :)

    Just came here for an issue, but i'm going to stay for a bit i think. Seems like a fun community. Fly safe everyone!
  16. Aerobreaking on a planet without atmosphere? Check. How fast can i go with this rover? Check Strutting is boring, let's go without them. Check I'm sure i don't need this much Delta-V, let's scale it down. Check Antenna on the booster and not on the main probe? Check. Also trying to play with remotetech with signal delay without really knowing how to program manouvers. Don't do that, seriously don't.
  17. Set up remote tech network for Minmus. Launched a Vanguard probe for Eve with commsats and a follow up with a science sat designed to aerobrake. Preparation for a Sarnus Explorer ion probe and some good ol' grinding science and cash
  18. Hello everyone, first post here and i find myself with a little issue, i was tinkering with some mods and after installing FAR this ( http://imgur.com/a/LEjyL ) orbital info appeared on the screen, which is kind of obstructive. I've since unistalled FAR but the UI element is still there so my guess that was not the issue. Anyone knows which mod or setting I need to disable? this is the modlist, all mods are installed with CKAN. https://pastebin.com/UvsN5meJ Thank you all in advance. If you need any more info just ask!
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