Got me a new pc and am finally able to install this wonderful visual mods. It looks stunning! But i got the same flickering earth problem, which was mentioned here before, i think.
I have installed: RSSVE RC4 ; EVE ; scatterer 0.0320 - all settings left by default
It's not actually not the earth which is flickering, but the area of my screen, which is covered by earth the moment i pass 140km. So when i move my view around this exact area in flickering blueish or black, depending on when i passed 140km like in the pictures below.
Here I rotated the view down. When i passed 140km the horizon was in the middle of the screen. (There where the blueish area is on the picture)
When i dip below 140 km it will stop and start again when i go above. The flickering area changes accordingly. Here i just left the athmosphere and rotated the view to the left.
When i destroy the craft via range safety it instantly stops. And it once stopped after zooming far out and back in. It doesnt occur when i switch to a already orbiting vessel.
It's flickering really fast i have to take mutiple screenshots to catch it.
Apparently only a few people have this issue, what could cause this? Have u any ideas how i could fix this?
Another problem which might be linked to this, is visible in the picture above. When above 140 km, i always have a relatively more darker area above the horizon. Here's a picture only with this efffect visible: