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  1. Works like a charm. Saved me lots of time. Suggestion: What about battery powered rovers? After all the only thing more annoying than driving two hours with a Rover is driving two hours with a Rover in the dark :(. Just estimate the possible distance that can be driven with the avaiable EC before the trip and stop the Rover after that distance. If the Rover is loaded again during the voyage the EC left could be claculated by looking at the already completed distance.
  2. Yep. This also caused Problems with CleverSats. Thank you! However this mod already has Kopernicus support. So it must have been something else. Anyway, after reinstalling all mods it now works fine. I guess that's what you get for having ~50 mods installed...
  3. You're totally right! Thank you! I did not expect that one to cause troubles. Anyway, turns out you can just add in Support for Kopernicus. That will work as well (or even better). Just add this in after line 90: REQUIREMENT:NEEDS[Kopernicus] { name = PartModuleUnlocked type = PartModuleUnlocked partModule = KopernicusSolarPanel } This could actually be part of this mod by default. It is such a small fix.
  4. I just thought I let you guys know this: I ran into a problem, where the contract pack did not notice, that I already had solar Panels unlocked. My install is heavily modded (probaly most problematic: Stock Part Revamp), but, running through the mods I believed to be relevant, I could not find anything that would change the behaviour of this mod. I did not explicitely test it, though. I fixed it by changing the StationCore.cfg as follows: lines 262-265 are currently: name = PartModuleUnlocked type = PartModuleUnlocked partModule = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel I changed them to: name = PartUnlocked type = PartUnlocked part = solarPanels5 This fixed the problem for me. Now the mod does not check if any slar panel is unlocked, but it specificly checks for the OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panel (the small, radially attached, not deployable one), which is usally the first one you get. (Worth mentionning: ModuleDeployableSolarPanel includes ALL solar Panels.)
  5. I ran into the same problem yesterday. I have lots of mods installed, but I ran through the relevant ones, and they schould not Change anything concerning this problem. With one small change in the mod this is fixed: In CleverSatCore.cfg (located in \GameData\ContractPacks\CleverSat): lines 81-83 read: name = PartModuleUnlocked type = PartModuleUnlocked partModule = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel Change them to: name = PartUnlocked type = PartUnlocked part = solarPanels5 In theory the mod shoult check if you have any solar panel unlocked (ModuleDeployableSolarPanel includes all solar panels). However this does not seem to work. With this new Code, the mod now checks if you have the OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panel (the small, radially attached, Basic one) unlocked, which is usually the first one you get anyway. I'm not sure why the mod does not work properly, but this way it does.
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