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Everything posted by Hacourt

  1. I've spent weeks ruminating on this flag indicator and i never thought of that solution. I went from convoluted servo arms with hinges and have settled on the simplest solution i could think of. This....... You can see some of the ideas i had on this image. Although i haven't powered it, i have tested the rotating circle and it looks good. The other advantage to this (other than the simplicity) is the discs can actually overlap inside a housing. This means that i can stack the servos, close to each other. I have to figure out lighting but i don't think that will be too hard. This is the latest simpit mockup. Comments are needed at this stage.... Latest mockup
  2. My first post. So please go easy on me :). I've been working on component mockups. What you are about to see is ugly but my attempt to build flag indicators (barber poles). I would be interested if anyone else has tried these. It's just to test the concept. I have the workings of this here...flag indicator gallery. With the right encouragement i might start my own thread on this project. Feed back is welcome always. Simpit layout Switches, electromagnetic indicators and flashing things Apollo style (kind of) gauges (this is fun though right?)
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