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  1. I have the same problem as above. When ever I try to load a ship into the DIY Container, the game loads the ship speratly and it causes the game to disable all of the buttons inside the hangar. (Can't leave the hangar, cant insert a part, can't move or delete a part). I use GC 1.2.0 and KSP 1.3.0 output log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eaXGmWUOG0L-A1S0GdHVQkSeXI0qb1C-/view?usp=sharing
  2. It seems that this mod doesn't works for me and the problem is from the folders that starts with "000". It crashes whenever I play the game with those files in the game data folder. I use a Windows PC with Win 10 and I have over 10 mods. (I also can't use B9 Aerospace mod) Is there a solution? Please let me know if you need to look at the crash logs or something... Also which mods aren't compatible with this mod? Thanks
  3. I have almost 20 mods and I experince a crash while the game is loading. Usually around module manager patching. My logs and erorr details are here: Mega.nz Thank you.
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