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Posts posted by Nurb

  1. Thanks for updating to 1.5, but I noticed with the spaceplane hanger, when I place an engine on the tilt rotor part, it will mount facing up/forwards. This makes the engine swing to face downwards rather than up while on the runway. I don\'t know if I screwed something up symmetry or if it\'s just the way it faces when horizontal

  2. It\'s a great mod so far, but I noticed the mechjeb update makes the tilt rotors turn in opposite directions now instead of turning both downward. Even with rotating the part 180 degrees, it\'ll end up opposite. At least I think it was the update since it just started turning weird recently.

  3. Gentlemen, history has been made...

    With the new version I made my module drop-ship and dropped off the first expansion module for the established core base and took off again. New module contains expanded storage, duct tape (for repairs of course), futon sofa, ping-pong table, and case of Kerbal Cola. So it\'s growing slowly but surely.

    So the very first Munar ping-pong tournament is underway in the rumpus room. All participants get Kerbal cola. Winner gets Kerbal Cola 'Mun Flavor X-Treme' endorsement deal. Loser gets taped to external strut.

    Oh and some Mun science has been accomplished or whatever. 8)

  4. Nice.

    Nice craft mate.


    Thanks, guys, though it needs a little more in balance and support around the \'spokes\'. I noticed it likes to spin on it\'s own and it began to throw off debris. =P

    Nice Space Station.


    Did this have something to do with your design? It\'s an old design by Lockheed from the 50\'s.

    Not that spesifically, but I had seen plenty of wheel-shaped station designs in the past and decided to see if I could round out the parts

  5. Tinkered with what possibilities there are with mixing certain mods and went for a large 'Wheel' (or as round as a Kerbal craft is going to get) space station with docking and refueling areas, as well as platforms for launching/docking probes* and enough fuel for interplanetary travel. I was able to orbit kerbin, the mun and the sun at an AP of 30 billion meters with more than a quarter fuel left over.

    This is actually only half of what I originally had built, but because performance issues were so bad (1 fps, even with lowest settings) during launch attempts, I took off the second 'wheel' and threw the thing up into orbit. If I were to work on it further, I\'d add more RCS tanks, but if anyone wants to try it out, they can customize it as they see fit.

    *probe platforms are left without couplers so people can rig the stages that work for them.

    Anyway, I\'m done with it for now as it sits 100k above Kerbin





    KW Rocketry


  6. I just finished landing my first multi-module single structure permanent and expandable moon base before seeing this thread :D

    Balancing it was a pain so I started 'small' with a 4 module, quad-engined landing-leg base with a central tank and return module. Complete with habitat, power generator, communications, observatory, central ops and a couple modules for SCIENCE! projects, all connected by walkways for rigidity.

    I had just enough fuel for lift-off, orbit, transfer, and landing. I plan to make other modules with powered wheels I can use to dock them to the main base which I send up later. I needed plenty of RCS fuel to help my descent.

    Mods used:


    Bace kit (copied capsules and edited .cfg files to make them usable as parts)


    KW rocketry

    Probodyne kit



  7. While building a rocket in the VAB, parts often have the annoying habit of automatically placing themselves on a higher stage, requiring me to place a part, and drag the icon down the stage list each time. Is there a setting that I\'m missing that will 'Lock' stages so that they keep their parts in place and prevent a new one from popping in there? It\'d also help since I sometimes forget to place something at a high stage, move the lower stages and find that rockets, couplers, and parts have all re-arranged themselves once I put a stack of things back in place.

  8. Holy crap, this is awesome.

    Yea, though be careful landing near it. Once you get within 100m of a MechJebbed vehicle, it will 'activate' and start responding to your JILK lateral RCS controls. I was using one as a remote rover to scout for large flat areas on the Mun and act as a landing target and as I was hovering in for a landing, the lights popped on and it took off up a hill. Luckily I was able to drive it back remotely from my lander. It\'s like it was runnin away

    'MechJeb run! MechJeb be free! No disassemble MechJeb!'

  9. I downloaded the Challenger LEM pack by itself and it seems that a 'parachuteTriple' is missing, do I have to download the main pack also?

    I\'m having this problem too, and I put all four packs into the parts folder. It won\'t load the craft without that part.

    I looked at the craft file and it\'s looking for 'parachuteTriple_4294913132'. I extracted all packs to their own little folder just to do a search for the part and it\'s not found in any of the packs. Did I screw something up somewhere? :-[

  10. I don\'t know how I did it, but after my first munar landing I took off with too little fuel left and ended up having a path way to the right of Kerban, but its gravity still captured me and flung me out 25 million K. I warped time just to see what happens next and it turns out after a few orbits, the mun caught me just right (like in the first animation in the OP), and hurled me out at over 10,000 m/s into a near perfect circular Solar orbit the same distance as Kerbin. If this happened after I pre-ordered and not in the demo, I\'d have left their flight in process just to see if they\'d eventually intercept Kerban as I continued playing

    It was the last I saw of those brave Kerbonaughts. Bob and Bill were screaming... Jebediah was characteristically optomistic...

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