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    R.U.D. Specialist
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    Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy

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  1. I might be crazy, but is it an intentional feature that Cryogenic Engines changes some of the stock engines to use LH2/CH4 instead of LFO? I've noticed that some stock engines, like the Vector and Mammoth, retain the title "Liquid Fuel Engine," but use LH2 and have correspondingly updated ISP and thrust. Is the LFO patch supposed to prevent this, or does that get rid of the new fuel types for all engines in the mod? Or is there some other mod that might be conflicting?
  2. I have noticed that several stock liquid fuel engines now only take LH2/Ox, despite still being labeled as "Liquid Fuel Engines." This includes the Skipper, Rhino, and Mammoth. They appear to also have updated ISP values to reflect using LH2 as well. Is there a way to fix this? I have installed the CryoEnginesNFAero, CryoEnginesNFLV, and CryoEnginesRestock patches, but not the CryoEnginesLFO patch. I have the full NearFuture/FarFuture suite, but not any conflicting mods like KSPIE.
  3. I’m playing a heavily modded career mode game using the community tech tree with the full Near Future suite, so we he tech tree ends with nodes worth ~5000 science or so. I’m currently at the point where I have completed most of the nodes before upgrading R&D to level 3, so everything under 500 science points per node. I also have OPM and DMagic Orbital Science installed, so I have a good amount of science sources available I don’t have a good feel for how difficult it is to get the rest of the science required to finish the tech tree, and am wondering how much I should use science labs on my science data. I just sent a big mission to Eve that includes a lab, but I am worried that processing all of the science through the lab will net me too many science points and lead to me completing the tech tree before I have had the opportunity to go to many planets. Does anyone have any insight into roughly how many planets worth of science are required to complete the extended tech tree, and if it would be satisfying to have some moderate use of the science lab? I usually avoid using them in vanilla playthroughs because I don’t enjoy have the entire tech tree unlocked without leaving Kerbin’s SOI, and I am trying to avoid a similar predicament. Thank you!
  4. I reinstalled the most recent versions of Interstellar and DeepFreeze and everything is working now. Thank you! I will make sure to look through the logs next time before I bug anyone!
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j60wjdv39cn1ffy/KSP Log 2.zip?dl=0 I installed ZeroAVC, but I still could not exit buildings when pressing the exit button. I attached a new log that is significantly smaller than the first. Any ideas other than just broken mods?
  6. Thank you! I added this suite of mods about 2 weeks ago, and I think anything that is out of date with 1.9.0 was said by users in the mod page that it was working fine with updates. I will update with new logs if there are more issues.
  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/blbs854a40a4lm7/KSP Log.zip?dl=0
  8. When I load up my save and go to Mission Control, everything works normally. However, when I press the "leave" button in the top right, the top bar (containing that button and the KSC button etc) goes away, the funds and tool bar UI elements (usually shown at the top and bottom when in the KSC view) appear, but my screen does not show the KSC. Instead, it continues to show to the Mission Control screen, which I can interact with. Nothing I do allows me to leave this screen. I can press escape and bring up that menu, but "Quit to Main Menu" does not work and I have to task manager force quit the game. I have a large amount of mods installed, but I have seen this issue posted about in the past and potentially been resolved due to one of the mods causing it. Mods:
  9. I have a career game that I initially had Part Entry Costs (spending money to unlock parts after researching them) enabled for because I had never played with it before. I have discovered that this mechanic can become overwhelming and limiting as I progress later in the tree, especially with lots of part mods inflating the amount of things I have to purchase. I looked around in the game setting and could not find a way to toggle Part Entry Costs off now that I have the game started. Is there a way to edit something in the persistent file that would disable it without breaking the game, or will I just have to deal with it? Thank you for your help.
  10. My profile pic is the emblem from the UNSC Spirit of Fire, a repurposed colony ship (now a warship) from Halo. I would embrace the ship's colony-founding history and would send my 10,000 ships to different star systems, colonizing our local corner of the galaxy.
  11. I attached enough Kickbacks together to fill the entire VAB (no decouplers) and was confused when I didn't make orbit after flying straight up. I then opted for a 3.75 m rocket with a space shuttle cockpit and went fast enough to reach escape velocity. After that, I started a career and then watched a bunch of Scott Manley tutorial videos.
  12. Okay so it turns out it's more than 50. It's 91. Here are most of the big ones: [x] Science, AirplanePlus, AntennaHelper, B9PartSwitch, BetterBurnTime, BetterTimeWarp, ConfigurableContainers, CorrectCOL, DistantObjectEnhancement, EasyVesselSwitch, EditorExtensions, EVE, Extrasolar, Firespitter, GroundConstruction, InterstellarFuelSwitch, KAS, KER, Kerbalism, KJR, KIS, Kopernicus, kOS, KWRocketry, MissingHistory, Mk2Expansion, all of the NearFuture packs, OPM, PlanetaryBaseInc, PlanetShine, RCSBuildAid, RealChute, RealPlume, scatterer, StageRecovery, SVE, TooManyOrbits, Trajectories, TweakScale, and KSPInterstallar. That's not everything. I realize that I also put together all those mods 2 weeks after 1.6.0 came out and many of them are from previous versions said to still be compatible, so I should probably spend the time to update all of them. It's possible that one or two of them conflict with each other as well.
  13. I tend to go with a series name followed by Mk#. I like to give my aircraft bird names, with the type of bird corresponding to the size/function of the aircraft. So a Hummingbird Mk1 would be a very small plane for early game science/contracts, and a Hummingbird Mk4 would be the same basic fuselage but upgraded with components from later in the tech tree. Then a medium/large sized cargo plane might be the Pelican Mk1, and a medium spaceplane would be a Hawk Mk1. I also tend to add designations for different variants, so a Hummingbird with a passenger cabin would be Hummingbird Mk1P, or with a Science Jr and other instruments would be Hummingbird Mk1S. As far as satellites and spacecraft go, I choose a cool sounding name from pretty much anything, whether it be just a cool word or something from a game or book I'm enjoying. My communications satellites are in the Liaison series, with different Mk designations for more upgraded antenna. My Duna craft would be under maybe the Ares designation, and for Moho I like to do an Egyptian mythology theme (based off of Osiris from Destiny and his connection to Mercury). There are a few more intricacies that I would like to have as set "rules" but they usually are just created for one specific craft function.
  14. Unfortunately, I haven't progressed beyond Skilled yet. Whenever I get to the point in a career where I start going interplanetary, I stop playing KSP for a little bit. By the time I get back, I want to upgrade to whatever the new version is (with some of my mods being outdated) and then have to start a new save. Right now I want to play KSP, but with something like 50 mods installed and a very slow load speed on my computer, it takes 30-45 minutes to even open KSP (assuming it doesn't crash). By the time the game is open, I either don't have much time to play or have gotten busy playing something else on my Xbox in the meantime.
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