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Ninja possum32

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Everything posted by Ninja possum32

  1. Ok, this might sound a bit personal but plz list your 3 favorite songs and nation you use (if in rp) because I want to make a music video for every contry
  2. Geesh, im wondering if anyone knows of a program so you can MAKE mods ;D
  3. Nice. I like the porta potty one
  4. I really don\'t think my mon and dad will approve that idea
  5. Ok... I really want to see some good pictures of people failing. Hell my avatar thing is a dude riding a flaming motor cycle. So if you could post fail pictures here I\'d be more than happy
  6. level 118, you find a grenade thats pin has been pulled
  7. I say that because my science teacher makes us watch them 2 times a month
  8. I don\'t want to insult anyone, but i KINDA THINK BILL NYE IS A FRAUD
  9. I heard it didn\'t work or something. But I\'m not sure how reliable Yahoo is.
  10. Jesus :\'(, its raining again!!! for the third time in two days
  11. Ive never been in a tornado but my house has been struck by lightning 2 or three times. On the bright side some idiots built a GIANT house next to us
  12. holy s### man, i live in denver. Did you hear about the mini tornado at 38th and tower road. That scared the crap out of me.
  13. ill try... Ive never auctaully made it to the mun but have blown up on it several times. So if i could have a tip.. that would be great But ill try
  14. I f***ing saw you on sat. Why will your mom take u there if she won\'t to BC?(
  15. I like it. Does it only run on propellers or a jet engine too?
  16. So how did that thing not overheat and blow up upon takeoff if you used 275!!! tanks.
  17. That\'s great. When I saw i thought, nice, someone finally found out how to fly on a car
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