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    I do weird stuff
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  1. In the show and tell stuff both Minmus and and the surface of eve have quite desaturated colors, Minmus is greyer, and Eve's surface is significantly less purple. Maybe I didn't do a good job saying what I wanted to say, I meant I wanted the game to have planets that have pretty much the same colors as the original, I'm not asking for the planets to be made more colorful then they were in the first game, I'm saying I would prefer it if the planets did not become LESS colorful in KSP2.
  2. I didn't know what "Astroneer" was until like 5 minutes ago and I'm not saying I want planets to be extremely overly vibrant, im saying that I don't like the direction of taking many of the somewhat colorful planets and just making them grayer. Essentially I want the planets to be colored more similarly to how they were in the original game.
  3. Personality Minmus is probably the place I've spent the most time at.
  4. I think it was actually specified in the EVA science reports to not actually be made out of ice cream.
  5. I don't really think it looks bad, and I understand why people like it. I just wish that there was an in-game option to have more vibrant planets or something.
  6. Now, the realistic graphics aren't really the thing I am the most excited for, they do look great though. It is more so the new features like better colonies and a game engine that doesn't break at interstellar distances.
  7. In KSP1 Minmus is one of my favorite destinations for building and landing on due to both it's beautiful appearance and it being very easy to get stuff to. But from what I've seen from KSP2 it looks far more grey and boring. Now, don't get me wrong, they've done a great job with texturing and the shape and whatnot, but it just doesn't look as good without it's green-ish, minty color. The color also makes it less distinguishable from The Mun. The same thing applies to Eve's surface but to a lesser degree because I won't be going to it's surface very often anyways and at least the clouds are still purple, but I still wish/hope at least part of it's surface is still purple. Now I get that they're going for realism, but I wish there was at least some sort of classic planetary color option thing in the graphics settings to make the planets look as vibrant as they did originally.
  8. Oh sorry I was working on mine but after a while I realized that I'm not good yet at making mods for ksp if I am causing a problem I will be fine with hiding the post. Also I got distracted
  9. Oh sorry about that I started developing it but I was never able to make much progress because I'm bad at modding ksp, and I got distracted.
  10. Thanks for commenting i will try to get pics as soon as i can
  11. The Greegus system mods is a mod that is in early development it is intended to add another solar system to go to with lore scattered around it. List of planned objects. Greehgohs (Star) is a medium sized blue star that will be the star that most new planets will obit around. (satrting to be developed.) Grid (Hellish firey world) will be the closest planet to Greegus with hot gaseous carbon and silicon in the upper atmosphere. Grid B (Molten asteroid moon) will be Grids Moon, it will be a small asteroid with most of its surface covered in molten iron. Grisus (Large Brown dwarf) is a Large brown dwarf in a semi binary orbit with Greehgos, it has a very large number of moons even with one being a small gas giant with it's own sub moon. Grisus D (large gasous moon with a sub moon) Gregus (large habitable world) orbits within the habitable zone of it's star, it has green water with blue plants and a sentient reptilian race (not in game just in the lore) s it supports a number of moons and also also has a large ring system. Grim A (Hot, Binary moon 1) Grim B (Habitable, Binary moon 2) This is my first mod so if I am having trouble I will post my files, and if you see the problem tell me.
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