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  1. Can SOMEONE PLS READ THIS I really want to know what is wrong with my ksp so I can use mods. Output_log is in this link http://pasted.co/01e9f4cf.
  2. I made sure dis is da ksp one inside the codes says kerbal space program in some parts, so It hads to be it.
  3. Oh sorry I did not see Pastebin had the thing pop up "You have exceeded the maximum paste size of 512 kilobytes per paste. PRO users don't have this limit! I think dis is it http://pasted.co/01e9f4cf Sorry for the stress i'm not very good with unity related thing.
  4. For some reason it keeps saying output_log instead of output_log.txt and the link didn't make sense to me.
  5. Ok Theres a output log notepad thing in my crash log file is that it?
  6. Unity Player [version: Unity 5.4.0p4_b15b5ae035b7] mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module mono.dll at 0023:10070522. Error occurred at 2017-09-27_105502. C:\Users\zhu paula\Downloads\Kerbal Space Program v1.2.2.1622.VeroxPiviGames\KSP.exe, run by william&angela. 61% memory in use. 3980 MB physical memory [1525 MB free]. 0 MB paging file [2157 MB free]. 0 MB user address space [2872 MB free]. Read from location 00000008 caused an access violation. Context: EDI: 0x1ee7c6a8 ESI: 0x00000000 EAX: 0x00000000 EBX: 0x155a77a8 ECX: 0x01f7e430 EDX: 0x24f40aec EIP: 0x10070522 EBP: 0x01f7e4dc SegCs: 0x00000023 EFlags: 0x00010246 ESP: 0x01f7e430 SegSs: 0x0000002b Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b 46 08 59 59 85 c0 74 0b 50 e8 b0 7e fc ff 8b
  7. Now I crashed again I had them this time in the game data folder not squad but it still crash's .
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