I am trying to set up a manned rocket using KOS without a connection to KSC or another control center.
I use
Kerbal Space Program 1.3
RemoteTech 1.8.8
No other mods installed
RemoteTech Connectivity Manager
ComNet disabled
According to the KOS documentation ( https://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS/addons/RemoteTech.html ) this should be possible. Sadly, so far I had no success. This is what I did:
My vessel used for testing consists out of an MK 1 Command Pod (Jebediah Kerman included), CX-4181 Scriptable Command System, Z1-K Battery Bank, MK 2 Radial Parachute and one RT1 Solid FUel Booster. After launching the vessel (while still on the launch pad) I open the terminal of the CX-4181. Typing in anything results in the message "Signal lost. Waiting to re-acquire signal" being displayed at the bottom of the terminal. From now on no input has any effect.
I added an Probodyne OKTO2 to the vessel (still including Jebediah Kerman in his MK 1 Command Pod). Now all is fine on the launch pad. I can open the terminal, type in commands and get the results from KOS as expected (including accessing the archive volume). When I launch the rocket and move more than 3 km away from KSC (out of the 3 km reach of the OKTO2's integrated omni antenna), I get the same result as before: typing anything into the terminal results in the message "Signal lost. Waiting to re-acquire signal".
I changed my mod set up and removed RemoteTech. I enabled ComNet. I disabled the extra ComNet ground stations in the custom difficulty diaologue. I restarted the game and enabled the ComNet connectivity manager. I tried to use both vessels as described above. In both cases I was able to use KOS as expected. In the second case (some 40 km away from KSC, no connection to KSC) the terminal replied that I was not able to connect to the archive, since no connection to KSC existed (as expected). Aside from this I also had full KOS functionality.
Because of this I wanted to ask if anybody was able to use the recent version of KOS with RemoteTech Connectivity Manager without having a connection to KSC / Ground station on a manned vessel.
As I said above, according to the documentation (or at least according to my understanding of the documentation ;-) this should be possible. I would be realy glad if I could get a hint whether I am doing something wrong, or if this might be an issue with KOS / RemoteTech.
I came across an old (2015) bug report ( https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/issues/580 ) that basically describes the problem I am having. Since it is marked as closed and there is also an entry in the KOS changelog (under v 0.16, "Bug Fixes") stating that this issue has been fixed, it might be that this is an issue that has resurfaced or that I am simply doing something wrong.
Any help would be very much appreciated!