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Everything posted by HeroBrian_333

  1. So make some new craft. I'm looking at a few new prospects.
  2. What, DCK? It doesn't do much, just adds some paints and armor. Did I mention that THE PAINT REDUCES YOUR RADAR SIGNATURE, AND THE ARMOR HAS NO EFFECT ON PHYSICS (OTHER THAN WEAPONS) AND IS INVISIBLE? MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! *cough cough* Sorry, I get like that sometimes.
  3. Submit it, and I know of a mod that will de-OP these against my crafts. Ever heard of DCK? Also, Back on my PC. Yay, no more managing my post on my phone!
  4. I'm not going to limit the mods any more than 7 per craft max, mainly because it makes things more interesting. No turrets other than 50 cal., and if you can figure out how to get a plane that can generate enough electricity to fire lasers for any amount of time, kudos to you, that craft has earned it's spot here. However, there must be a way to generate enough electricity for it to fire more than once. Like this comment if you think that sounds fair, and I'll amend the rules. @53miner53 Did you test fly it? If so, how did it handle? Also what do you need KF for?
  5. Thx again. You guys are making my day with all these cool tricks. Would you like to face Monstron or EuroViper? (This will just be a test, it won't count towards the rankings. For rankings, you will work your way up the leaderboard.) The EuroViper is mine, and it should be up within 48 hours.
  6. The battles all start from 15 km, and all the other craft have at least some missiles. And vulcans. Vulcan are machine guns. Machine guns are deadly. Thus, funeral. Logic!!!!
  7. I don't see one. Did you use a radial attachment point and then offset the radar into the craft? What time would you like the drone's funeral?
  8. Not if you don't have missiles. The Bryntröll does have AIM-120's which are radar guided
  9. Probably later today, but no later than Monday evening. I know your drones weakness though.
  10. I meant that the busier the better is only true on weekends. (And with this challenge. School is very time consuming, and not very fun)
  11. @Thor Wotansen no problem. Agreed. However, the design is still good. I learned all of my design techniques from the video showing him building it and @EnterElysium's WWK3.
  12. @Thor Wotansen Nice job! Love the looks, but could you take a screenshot of the AI settings so I can make sure they are set right on my end? Also, I have a plane I downloaded (not weponized) that can turn 360 in 1 sec. (No joke!) It's called the Volta XV Spear, its made by @Avera9eJoe, and it is amazing. Look it up, he posted a video showing how he built it.
  13. @53miner53 No problem. Also Try adding SAS modules. Then resubmit as Fighter 2 Mk. 2
  14. @53miner53 Did you try moving COM back and angling the wings down? This will make it neutrally unstable, making it more maneuverable in turns and rolls (not see much in pitch) and still be stable.
  15. Same here. Was fighter 2 in FAR as well? That might explain why it "pancaked". If this one crashes, my reccomendation woyld be to check COM, COL, and add SAS modules.
  16. LOL I want to . The battle will probably crash my laptop, BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!!!!!
  17. @Earthlinger If they are for swarm tactics, they will do better in 2v2 and 3v3. I'm going to run a 25v13 against my fighter with whatever you submit. Smoke will not be effective in this, as it is a countermeasure against AGM's. Recommend 1 flare and 1 chaff. I like the use of missiles, but it won't be effective against fast moving targets. Thank you for the inspiration for my next fighter. Submit many variants of your drones! It would be cool to have more than one submission from someone other than me.
  18. I dont know how to set up infinite ammo, plus its unfair to the other competitors. You can submit it, but it won't be eligible for the leaderboard unless it carries its own ammo. I'll add that to the rules. However, it is nice-looking. First use of a probe core, too. Good job. Maybe put the ammo box right on COM, then offset into COM?
  19. No problem @FleshJeb, just ask for AI and BDA settings, otherwise I'll just leave them default. I'll add that to the rules.
  20. No part limit, just don't do a 9,999,999 part behemoth. I'll add that to the rules.
  21. My sanity's sake? I went insane a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago (while trying to get a survey satellite into Minimus orbit) Both new planes look good, and I'll march them up ASAP.
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