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  1. My entries, I guess: Along with some lower resolution screenshots: You can use my forum username.
  2. Looking at the link from @Arcturusvfx, it seems that SpaceX hasn't cleaned the capsule. With this, I decided to compare images to the landed Dragon 2 from DM1. This frame from the Dragon landing shows one side of the Dragon being significantly darkened along with no hatches or windows. While this picture shows the hatch side being much lighter. Now the capsule here has a lighter side facing the camera and the burnt parts here matching the burnt parts on the recovery image of the hatch side. My opinion is that the explosion didn't come from the SuperDracos. The explosion isn't centered on any engine pod (being centered at the area below and right of the hatch) and that the Dragon 2 is supposed to be able to operate after a catastrophic engine failure. (Scott Manley's take: https://twitter.com/DJSnM/status/1119860405461864448) The muffled audio also sounds like someone counting down with the explosion occurring after 9. Ignition would be later on and on the Dragon abort test, the sound suppression system would've started. I found an interesting picture for the internals. Dragon without a shell (from SpaceX's insta, https://www.instagram.com/p/BucYA72AYJ1/):
  3. Today, I recreated a wiggle plane which caused the universe to mostly disappear.
  4. You forgot when you get the parts to load but then all the stock parts disappear
  5. Stop playing that game, you've been doing it for so long!
  6. 50 Shades of Pink Coming soon December 2905
  7. How about an @Someone command?
  8. Lets see, here's an average hand, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,. 61>16
  9. They should get them to ping each other with binary meaning "Marco" and then "Polo"
  10. Ramming a kerbal with a Mun lander, on the Mun. Needless to say, he went far.
  11. I have more than that amount of fingers I have!
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