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Sir speedway

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Everything posted by Sir speedway

  1. I am currently in the middle of a misson and will probaly be done by the time I get a reply, so here goes nothing. The Dres loving misson will be preformed by a crew of 6 on the Mothership Dres-MOTH1, contianing a manned lander, 2 ground relay dishes, 16 orbital relays, and crew capicity for ten kerbals. I do have mods, Rastor Prop Monitors, and SCANsat. SCANsat isn't used however, keeping the craft pure stock. graphical mod as well, but that dosen't change any thing. the total mass of the craft is about 1500 000 tons, granting my first stage 1m/s per second, and i have 5 mammoths. screenshot will be provided on the end of the mssion if I acually suceed. oh and if any mods are not allowed im finishing and uplaoding anyway. wish me luck, and may the Kraken grant us safety!
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