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The Man Myth and Legend

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Everything posted by The Man Myth and Legend

  1. Today I sent my first rocket to go for a Minmus landing! It was succesful! I managed to return and it took less feul then my Mun test mission
  2. I always went with just add a bigger stage below. always was unstable. This should help.
  3. I have heard people discussing asparagus staging but I don't know what it is or how to do it. How do I do it and is it important?
  4. Well that's helpful I always just reverted to launch is something went south
  5. I just had my first successful Mun landing! I had a really nice launch and transfer and then I preformed my deceleration burn. Only then did I realize that I was on the dark side and couldn't see the ground. I used more fuel than expected but had a smooth landing. I went on EVA and accidently broke of all my solar panels so I took off. Now my brave kerbonaut is stuck in Munar orbit with no fuel and is running out of electricity. I am new to the game and I can not even preform a LKO rendezvous never mind a rendezvous with an eccentric Munar rescue. Even worse it has no docking ports!!! How am I supposed to go about on this rescue.
  6. I have a mod downloaded, but I don't know how to install it. I am on steam if it helps.
  7. Well I was planning on having a few probes exploring the solar system. I changed the ground station settings though.
  8. I just launched my first satellite in my communication network. Did I do it right? I have a near equatorial orbit circularized near 450000m.
  9. Thanks! I will get Basic Science first. I was pretty stumped
  10. What should I buy in T4 of the tech tree. I am new to the gane abd dont know what is really good
  11. Maybe do the Extreme challenge? You habe to land and takeoff from every single body in one missiin and then land back at KSC
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