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  1. Hello, I apologize if I am resurrecting an old thread, I didn't see any link to a new thread for this mod. Has anyone tried using this in 1.7? Does it work still?
  2. @Bathalas Is the only station offered for around the sun? Or does it offer other stations too? I want to build one around the Mun.
  3. Hello, I looked through some of the previous pages on this thread and I didn't see anything regarding this issue. I previously completed two station contracts, one for Kerbin and another for Minmus. It won't give me another station contract though. I want to build a station orbiting the Mun. It says "Target Body must not be Sun: Unmet" I'll post a screenshot. I looked through the files (I have absolutely zero experience modding/coding, etc, so I don't know what to do.) I figured the these lines from StationCore CFG file were the ones I need to mess with to fix this, but I don't know what to change. Here is the screenshot. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198142578722/screenshot/876375900179134473 Thanks in advance. EDIT: I forgot to mention that I am running 1.3, not 1.3.1.
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