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Everything posted by Pethos

  1. Hi I'm on KSP 1.12.2 and using CKAN 1.30.4 ; I get this error when attempting to install Toolbar Controller: CKAN.InvalidModuleFileKraken: ToolbarController 1: C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8F4C.tmp has length 88369, should be 107848 in CKAN.NetModuleCache.Store(CkanModule module, String path, String description, Boolean move) in CKAN.NetAsyncModulesDownloader.ModuleDownloadComplete(Uri url, String filename, Exception error) And then aborts the installation. Am I doing something wrong?
  2. I dont have GPP installed. I already solved the issue, thanks anyway @Murdabenne
  3. I had a tiny suspect it was wad ;). So, it's fine then. Thanks @Galileo !
  4. Hi, I have installed this mod with Researchbodies. I started a new career with Hard difficulty. The settings screen declares that there are only three bodies already discovered: The Sun, Kerbin and the Mun. However I have got Sarnus already discovered and 100% researched too. I already posted this problem in the researchbodies thread and @JPLRepo didn't find any problem in my log file. In the observatory the string "#autoLOC_rbodies_discovery_sarnus" is displayed. There are some screenshots:
  5. Sorry, I was uncertain if bring this up here or the OPM thread. Yes, there is a problem with the definition of starting planets in hard difficulty and the planets effectively dicovered. I will expose the problem to @Galileo, then. I started playing your mod (along Tarsier) and I'm enjoying it very much!
  6. Hi, I'm new to his mod and I have installed it with OPM_Galileo. I started a game on Hard Difficulty (with revert enabled of course..) and besides the Sun, Kerbin and Mun, Sarnus is already discovered and fully researched. Here it is my output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ce93vzu7utjv72w/output_log_2_researchbodies.txt?dl=0
  7. @Nereid Now I got it! I need some time to be accustomed to Kerbal logic Thanks again, keep up the good job!
  8. **DISCLAIMER** This post contains a "Thank you" and a "Sorry". Handle with care. @Nereid Yup, problem solved! Thank you very much for the quick answer and solution! Hovewer, today i noticed that the "Landing on Kerbin" ribbon is affected by the same issue: awarded and then invisible. I should have noted that yesterday, sorry if i bring up this issue separately. Here is a pic:
  9. Hi, I love your mod but I've got a problem: the "Kerbin Eva Ribbon" seems to be invisible. I took Valentina and Bob on a stroll, then the game award them the ribbon and the event is recorded in the log. However there isnt any such ribbon in the hall of fame. Below are a screenshot and my installed mods. https://imgur.com/a/cxmls EDIT: The problem happens when they disembark from the Command Seat. Since that part is modified by the Take Command mod, maybe the problem lies there.
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