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  1. Mine was landing on Duna and actually taking off and getting back to Kerbal. I did a LOT of refueling from Ike.
  2. Thank you, sir. That sounds like that is probably the issue.
  3. Has anyone had issues refueling? I used to not have any issues but recently... If fuel was coming from 4 tanks to one, I would select all 5 and press in to the receiving and it would take an equal amount from each of the 4 tanks sending. Now, recently, sometimes it is 3 of the 4 selected. Sometimes 2 of the selected. Needless to say the sending tanks are now unbalanced and that causes issue. Am i doing it incorrectly? Could it be mechjeb which is now out of date but still works somewhat?
  4. I didn't need nuclear engines to do that, but I certainly over-engineered pretty much everything I have done! Keep at it!
  5. I've had the game for about 5 years. I don't think I bought it before the date that I get the free expansion, but I got it pretty close after that. I have posted under another name, and lost that log in and have not posted here for a couple of years. Anyway, after 5 years..... I finally landed on Duna and returned to Kerbin. With several "refueling" stops at Ike to power the journey home. I took 3 kerbals (pilot, scientist, and engineer) with me. I got 4000 science from that trip by restoring the science modules and of course making sure I took science from every biome I hit. It took several hours, maybe at least 10 in playing time. There were a lot of restarts because of some kind of screwup .... with the design or with decisions I made along the way. But, I made it!!
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