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Everything posted by FeofileGrotter

  1. After days of work, here is the result. Now it is a real colony, a small town. Here is place for 11 kerbonauts, but now here's only 2. This base equipped with a workshop, so I can build rockets off-planet! This base wasn't so good. About 25 kerb-days ago, four-membered crew has suffocated to death, because it was night and no electricity for long time. 4 days after accident, brave Jeb an Bill landed on the Mun near to the base. And they took some radioisotope generators! Current base equipment rated by time: a main part (THE failed lander), a TACLifeSupport module, just a KIS storage, Jeb and Bill's lander, an expandable habitat, a MaterialKit storage, a workshop, two launchpads (a thing near the giant launchpad is it's lander). Please advise, what should I add to this base.
  2. Does an alternate site of Photobucket or Imgur exist? I can't register on Photobucket or on Imgur... THIS IS LINK!!! I will post links, because I can't register on Imgur (error 403) and Photobucket needs $399 to make a third-image host! So, what's this. I have landed a small ship with 4 kerbals on the Moon. I planned to plant a flag, walk for 5 minutes and fly away. But, when I tried to fly away... *drums* ...I didn't lift. My engines were good to LAND, but for fly away... They were too small to lift this heavy ship. Then the ЛКМ (Лунная Колонизаторская Миссия for Russian) or MCM (Mun Colonization Mission for English) began.
  3. OK, guys. I had a little question. DOES THIS SITE (or this forum) HAVE A SYSTEM OF RANKS???!!! And sorry if my English isn't clean. I'm Belarusian.
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