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Everything posted by sgtblazing

  1. Bear in mind SAS has force itself, while ASAS is a computer. Add one ASAS to your final stage (not including reentry of course.)
  2. I thought of a design but I dont have the time to try it at the moment. Look at the Space janitor one, but instead of being empty in the middle, have it setup so that the exterior tanks can rest on the munar surface, while the middle one is low enough so that the legs will grasp a command module perfectly. This would be very hard and require a ton of RCS thrusters and fuel, but it seems reasonable if you are that in need of a design. Hardest part would be to touch down slowly and to lift off with pure RCS, like I said you would need a lot. Another idea could use 2 craft 'docked' to one another with legs so the middle is facing downward to the surface like described before, and the second is a ring of sorts facing upward to make it easier to thrust upward. Just my thoughts, IDK if it would work or not.
  3. Haven\'t tried it, but try to pick it up with lander legs, when they are undeployed they fit and can be used to 'dock.'
  4. The model itself seems a bit large, the effect is great from what I have seen. Put a disclaimer that you are not responsible for any seizures caused (kidding of course.)
  5. Working as intended, however I hope a little bit of critique is ok. Imo it would be a bit better if a few things were changed. 1) The lights are pretty large, I think they look good, but they are practically the size of RCS thruster blocks, and while I cannot say I have ever compared the two, it kinda seems like they should be a tad smaller. (i see custom size in the future, but the default might look better smaller) Maybe the size of a strut hub? 2) The icon for them was a lightbulb, maybe with little rays coming off signifying they are lit? The fact that they are the color they blink is great, but they are kinda odd being shown as a structural object. I am OK in photoshop/illustrator, and I can make something for you if you give me the parameters it needs to be as I have not made a mod before. (if it is possible to change the pic at all) Besides those two things, I love em
  6. the *you know you are in for a short flight when you add winglets to balance out the mass* joke comes to mind... could help if lift isn\'t a problem, just direction... (it will go sideways because the center of trust is not below the center of mass. add weight to whatever side it turns away from to balance it out... or mess with the config of the station to be balanced from the get go.
  7. Needs redshirts for the generic ones, and aviators on the ones made of win: jeb, danger.. Any more? What\'s gonna happen when people have to recruit their own crew and we won\'t have jeb!
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