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[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I wonder if that specific IVA is an issue or something to do with another mod. This is a side-by-side of an adjusted vs unadjusted IVA using the stock Mk1 Inline Cockpit + nose cone. What does the cutaway/interior overlay view look like? -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Sounds good. I've started to play with things a bit as well, but it still needs more testing. This is taken from the RealismOverhaul stuff. In theory the rescale numbers should be just 1.6, but the visuals gets a bit glitchy with some parts so I've been scaling them down. Ideally the numbers would be set for each specific part, but the numbers below seem to work for the parts I've tested it with. Individual parts can be adjusted later if these don't work. //IVAs @INTERNAL[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleTagNotRescaled]]:FOR[zLRTR]:NEEDS[LRTRRescale] { %scaleAll = 1.45, 1.45, 1.45 @MODULE[InternalSeat],* { %kerbalScale = 1.2, 1.2, 1.2 %kerbalOffset = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 %kerbalEyeOffset = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } } If you get bored and want to test these out, that would be very helpful. I'm putting it at the end of the GameData/LRTR/rescale/rescale.cfg file. -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
It's a 'known issue' (i.e. things I knew about but I don't really know how to fix this yet). I've just returned to modding so I'll put it on my list of things to look at. -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
You would need Deadly Reentry, LRTR is basically just stock physics plus the changes made by RSS. -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Honestly, there isn't much. The science tree is a direct copy of the RP-1 tech tree, which is also basically empty at that point in the timeline. Far Future Technologies uses some of it, but I think that's about it. If there are part mods that you think should be there let me know, I would be happy to add them. Any parts at that level would need to be manually added to the various nodes. -
[WIP] RackMount - Inventory based Module Management - v0.3.
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
Mostly, but not without doing some... unconventional stuff. In the advance configs it will literally create a new part type so that the onrails stuff will work. I'll also need to create a set of configs for each KerbalismConfig out there and I've only just started working on the 'stock' configs. It's a big task and will take time to make it fully functional. The processors and science stuff works but the setup stuff (choosing which processors to use when you create a vessel) will never work. This isn't a huge problem since Kerbalism/Setup does pretty much the same thing as RackMount, dynamically add processors or science. In practice that means I'll need to create and configure a bunch of parts for rackmounting all the various processors (scrubbers, pressurization, etc). Since the science parts already exist, those have already been added, although the crew reports/experiments will need parts. Also, this is still very much a work in progress. I'm sure there are any number of bugs and incompatibilities to deal with. I'm not even 100% convinced the advanced feature set will really work. This is still very experimental. -
[WIP] RackMount - Inventory based Module Management - v0.3.
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
Version 0.3.1 is now available for download https://github.com/pehvbot/RackMount/releases/tag/v0.3.1 This is a significant rewrite of the mod, it adds support for more mods, makes the advanced config more viable, and improves the UI. The project has been dormant for over a year, but I figured it was time to dust it off and see what I can do with it. It's still very much a work in progress, but I'm happy with how it's shaping up. -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Yep, it's basically the idea that by 1950 we've already explored the ground and lower atmosphere. -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I'm not sure if this is the issue but in Real Solar System you don't get science from the the Earth's surface and it returns 0 science. You absolutely should be able to get science while in flight so if that's not happening, something has gone wrong. Are you able to generate science while flying? -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
It sounds like something has gone wrong with the install since you should be seeing the RP-1 style tech tree not the stock one. LRTR uses the RP-1 tech tree and contracts to simulate just post WWII technology. Tier 1 technology should be only 1 science per node and you should be seeing this in the VAB at the start of the game: One tricky thing about the mod is it really needs to be installed on a completely clean KSP install. It's very difficult to account for all the various interactions that can happen with other mods. I would suggest starting with a completely clean install and just installing only required mods using CKAN. CKAN can try to include some suggested mods that may cause problems, so ignore those for now. The only strongly suggested mod I would add to start with is ReStock and ReStock+. Be sure to avoid any mods that alter the tech tree. Let me know if that helps. -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I'm not sure since it depends on which features you want to disable. You can't pull the contracts out of LRTR very easily since it's all tied together in a giant knot with the other parts of the mod. You could turn off KerbalConstructionTime (from the KCT control panel) and this would mean you don't have to worry about build or research times. This would reduce costs and 'Kerbalize' the experience a bit. You can disable the astronaut training from the KSP Settings window. There are still some 'monthly' costs baked into the mod that can't be disabled, but without KCT or astronaut training, they are not as much of a burden. Is this pointing you in the right direction? -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Sadly no. It's theoretically possible to adjust all the contracts but they are all hard coded so it would mean a complete rewrite of all those contracts. This is another case of using the original RP-1 code (see above). The mod will work in KSRSS, which is 2.5x, if that helps. -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I wouldn't say 'intended' but it is because LRTR using the RP-1 (old version) branch of KCT which does not integrate with ScrapYard. Unfortunately there's no good work around. It needs those RP-1 features and it's just too different to try and work ScrapYard back into this version of KCT. At some point I would like to revisit all of this, but I just don't have the time or energy to do a full rewrite. -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Honestly I'm not sure. One of the 'joys' of KSP dev work, especially one that uses so many other mods, is they are all moving targets. It's entirely possible that RealFuels has made changes that break compatibility LRTR. Unfortunately I now longer have the bandwidth to keep up with KSP stuff. If RealFuels isn't looking for the LRTR specific Kerbalism config, it may just assume Kerbalism isn't installed at all, so it won't be adding in standard supplies. This is something that could likely be fixed but I have no idea when I would have time to look at this. I know it kind of sucks but this basically means you would need to remove Real Fuels, Kerbalism, or LRTR. At least for now. I haven't abandoned KSP entirely so at some point I hope to have both the time and the mental energy to go through and fix issues like this. One fun but sometimes frustrating option is to dive into KSP modding yourself! The learning curve is steep but it can be done if you take it step by step. Most modders started by either trying to fix something they liked but didn't work, or adding in features they wanted but didn't exist. LRTR was a bit of both since I wanted to play 'stock' parts in the real solar system and the options at the time didn't really work for me. In general if you can play KSP you can learn to mod KSP. -
[1.12+] Less Real Than Real(ism) - RP-1 With Less 'R' [v2.0.6]
Pehvbot replied to Pehvbot's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Hmm... you should be getting 1 day of consumables per seat for any crewed part. Do you have a mod that is adding the ability to add consumables directly to a part? It might be playing with existing resources on parts. NOTE: This is just a guess though since I don't know of any mods that do this. I didn't add MechJeb by default on purpose but there's a fairly simple mod out there that should add it in (MechJeb for All maybe?).