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Everything posted by Cortwade

  1. To help hype up the near .8 release, we issue you a challenge. Five steps, 5 letters, involving four different cyphers. We will give you the first step, the code, Uy070. We'll keep track of your progress, and once you think you have the answer, DM us, and if you're right, we'll give you a link to something very, very special. Good luck, but we doubt you'll be able to solve our puzzle. Initial Code: Uy070 Step 2: Solved by @Thomas P. , UYOTO Step 3: Step 4: Answer: Winner: Current Relevant Hints: The Step 2 to 3 cypher is "H_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"
  2. I have a project in school where I have to design a species that can survive on a harsh alien planet. Is anyone good at creature art? I suck at it, and we have to give a model on the anatomy of our creature. I can add labels and such, but can anyone help me draw a carnivorous predator that lives in an arid, dry desert world at 2.4g and .54atm? In addition, it needs to be able to cool itself because it's on the inner habitable edge of an A-Class star. I imagine it being similar to this: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/302796774929147163/ (the Horned Raxumajup). If you can help me, I'd be much obliged. Comment or DM me if you think you'd be up for it!
  3. My whole class is looking at me weird... I bursted out laughing in the middle of it... lol
  4. https://discord.gg/7cW7Z No idea why these non-expiring invites are expiring...
  5. Is that MS Paint? If so, you are literally the most amazing MS painter I have ever seen.
  6. Recently, I've thought of something. I, along with a few other people in a special team, have seen amazing posters for planets such as Jool, Laythe, and Eve. I'm looking for an artist capable of drawing amazing posters like this: https://imgur.com/fmhFLGJ! Or this: Or this beautiful poster! If you think that you can make planet poster comparable to these, then please DM me, and further information will be given! Thank you in advance!
  7. Recently, I've thought of something. I, along with a few other people in a special team, have seen amazing posters for planets such as Jool, Laythe, and Eve. I'm looking for an artist capable of drawing amazing posters like this: https://imgur.com/fmhFLGJ! Or this: Or this beautiful poster! If you think that you can make planet poster comparable to these, then please DM me, and further information will be given! Thank you in advance!
  8. Wanna talk to people quickly? Sure you do, Billy! KSS Now has a Discord! The first ten people will be given a "Cool Person" rank, and access to a snazzy cool person lounge! Join now while the place is somewhat under control... https://discord.gg/evMQX
  9. StarCrusher is the KSS God Greatness is an idea maker SpacePotato does code help Gyrfalcon is a sciencedef machine Wilhelm is a technical support wizard and I occasionally do lore... and somehow I'm allowed on this dev team... I love it!
  10. My computer hates me for it to... I get one second of playtime for every three seconds
  11. Journeys of the Ark, in Pictures! Now you can follow my baby, the ARK Hyperion, in glorious visualness. Here's the ark on its first leg inside the Kerbol system. https://imgur.com/gallery/7sXRP
  12. Travels of the Hyperion, Part One (So I finally made a new save where I FINALLY GOT A WORKING ARK!!!11!1!) Jeb was the last one to get in. He climbed the stairs through the processing lab, Science Sr., and two he3 tanks. He sat at the controls of the Hyperion, ready to explore the expanses of Jool and eventually the Nova Kirbani system. He called mission control. Suddenly, the two huge rockets on the side of the Hyperion ignited, boosting the huge ship gently to an altitude of 250km. After the intial 1.2 gee climb, Jeb turned on the plasma fusion engine, and reduced its thrust to a mere 20%, due to issues with symmetry. The peri- and then apoapsis eventually climbed to 500km. After circularization, the onboard computer then computed (puns!) a fast, though inefficient, hohmann transfer to Jool, in order to shakedown the vessel for its long journey to Nova Kirbani. The maneuver would be in 190 days... no problem, however. With large amounts of room and several recreational areas, the ship was more than equipped for long term travel. 190 days later, the ship began its 12 minute burn that put it on its course towards the great green jewel. After some tinkering, the periapsis got within the Joolian moonar system, and a maneuver was planned to put the ark into orbit, and then set the inclination. After scooping some helium 3 to refuel, the ship would be more than prepared to reach its first destination; Mirn.
  13. I love the giant thank you paragraph then; NEVERMIND IGNORE THAT IM BACK BABY!
  14. Kerbal Astronomical Society Planet Logs; Blalo Blalo, the most habitable world to Kerbals that we are aware of, has intrigued Kerbalkind since its discovery years ago. Since the deployment of the K.I.X. Probe, we've learned much about this rock. Why is it so habitable? Why does it seem like it was engineered for us? All of these answers have been uncovered, and will be discussed in this publication. Blalo's history was violent, to put it blatantly. Being the second in a ternary star system is tough. In present time, it gets light from not only its primary, Kelin, but also Kelin's primary, Kirb. This makes true darkness rare, as during times of its year and Kelin's position around Kirb, there is no true night, but rather a dull period between Kelin sunset and rise. This is great for life on Blalo, as it has very few periods of true darkness, as, along with its three moons and stellar light, makes light extremely common. Any colonist on Blalo might be thrown off by the constant life, but the plants are thriving off of it, growing much faster than on Kerbin. This explains how Blalo was able to bounce back from several large cataclysmic events in its past. Long ago, just like all stars, Kelin was born from a protoplanetary dust cloud. Around this cloud was several protoplanets, including gas giants. Blalo became stable and its moon, Alar, formed around it. Life around Blalo started shortly after its creation, and reached the multicellular state within a couple billion years, much faster than Kerbin. However, around 75-50 million years ago, Kelin and its planets were captured into the Nova Kerbani system, then only a binary system. This caused a large bombardment as the dust between the two existing stars and the asteroid fields around each star were affected and destabilized. Life on Blalo, however, persevered, as did life on its moon Alar, which also became a habitable paradise. That all changed, however, when a Dres-sized body collided with Blalo at high speed, ejecting a large amount of debris and giving Alar a higher eccentricity and inclination. The surface of Blalo was vaporized and all life was likely erased with it. However, after about a million years, the surface cooled sufficiently for rain to fall once more, and rain it did. For several thousand years, the thick water clouds that surrounded Blalo after the impact fell, and created a large ocean with a major impact crater. The surface was barren however, and reminiscent of a larger version of our own tropical Laythe, around Jool. Many scientists then theorize that life was transferred via reverse-panspermia from Alar, repopulating Blalo with microbes, seeding the current paridise that we have today. However, the life that was transferred was basic. It shouldn't have reached multicellular state for the next billion years or so. However, it is widely accepted n0w th41 th3 pR..@#% ERR0RRRRR #@!) *#*$& )%*@#$^ REBOOT REBOOT REBOOT ARTICLE DELETED ~Written by [REDACTED]
  15. That'd be interesting; a floating base never to return to space, with a shuttle ferrying LqHe3 to and fro. However I don't believe it's possible to put a craft on rails to allow for craft switching and such.
  16. I think LqHe3 in the atmospheres of gas giants in low quantities would be a good idea. Along with a scoop and possibly a large ISRU module would make for interesting crafts. I could imagine one of my arks dropping a balloon scoop and spaceplane to collect it
  17. My computer doesn't like screenshots. However I have recently started a new normal-mode career, and I'm happy to say the Cherry program successfully brought Kerbalkind into orbit, and the Munshot program is about to have its first successfull mission, the Munshot III. I may get screenshots later. If you want I have a lot of arkship designs capable of warp and/or sublight speed!
  18. This thread's activity seems to be slowing down, so lets do a fun thing. What's your favorite thing in KSS? Tell us what you like, and/or what you'd like to see. Do you like the beautiful Ora? How about the majestic KSS StarSailor? Any comment is appreciated!
  19. Kerbal Astronomical Society Planet Logs; Ora Ora is a small world. It orbits very close to its parent star, and is rather old. Long, long ago, just like how Kerbol, Kerolon, and all of the other stars in the observable universe, a protoplanetary dust cloud swirled around a hot ball of plasma in the center. Not dense enough to ignite yet, several much smaller objects began to form. Eventually, the ball in the center began the process of fusion, and ignited into a ball of fire that warmed its small protoplanets. Due to the proximity of the protoplanets to the star, when it ignited, it pushed most gasses and elements outward, past the orbit of the farthest planet. However, it wasn't just fine and dandy for the protoplanets. Before the star ignited, they began to migrate inward in lockstep, entering an orbital resonance. This caused the three inner planets to heat up. The farthest of the three lost its ability to retain water except on its terminator. Farther out, two planets, Ora and Nelvem, entered the habitable zone. The two farthest planets remained outside of the habitable zone and are there to this day. Unlike its brother and sister, Ora is a place of vibrant life. This is due to its immense and diverse ocean and the large archipelagos. Due to its tidal locking, rain forests and lush grassland cover most of the area toward the sun, while near the terminator plains and eventually tundra encompass the tiny islands that make up Ora's landmass. Underwater, many aquatic species exist. Some are rather exotic, exhibiting bio-luminescence and some species even having two tails. Small, chlorophyllic fish-like organisms swarm the oceans near the surface, while farther down large baleen animals and predators hunt. On the surface toward the stellar point, huge trees create large rain forests on the small islands while animal life tromps below. Some animals, similar to Kerbin's primates, have been observed creating very basic tools, such as rocks to open nuts. Another aerial species has been observed communicating with one another. Scientists agree that they are not sentient, but well on the path to it. Other animals, such as Nirethounds, hunt any small animal they can find. Near the terminator, however, life gets much less varied. The large forests and grasslands teeming with life gives way to barren plains, with the occasional red plant. On the sub-steller point, life becomes even more hardy. A few bluish plants have been observed using nutrients from underground in order to survive, not from sunlight. Under the ice cap near thermal vents, heat-resistant ecosystems thrive within a 10-foot bubble around said vent. Rarely, a few stellar-side species have been observed to migrate to these vents to spawn. Only two of these migratory species have been observed, and one, called "Jeral's Travelers," have a strange habit to migrate. When they head toward the sub-stellar vents, they eat and become extremely fat; almost trippling their body weight. When they return almost a year later, they do not eat for a couple of months, shedding their weight. In the skies of Ora, their sun takes up a large portion. Depending on the time of year, visitors could see other planets, such as bright blue Nelvem, in the daytime sky, appearing as large, if not larger, than a full Mun. Wild fantasies about planet hopping have arisen, and with the recent colonization of other solar systems, could be a reality in the not-so-distant future. Due to this, the Kelnis system, and Ora in particular, has taken a special life as one of the most interesting and amazing systems that could soon host cities and cultures to rival those of Kerbin. If interstellar colonization becomes wide scale (as it will undoubtably be,) Kelnis will most definitely be a prime target. ~Written by Jacob T. Kerman
  20. Kerbal Astronomical Society Planet Logs; Taythe Taythe is an interesting world. It's full of life, strange creatures and countless riches in Cantfindium. While its atmosphere might be deadly if breathed, it is a prime candidate for colonization, which is why the under-construction A.R.K. Intrepid will be heading there in about half a year. Taythe was born out of several unlikely events, which, along with its brother Sulph and sister Vesp, make the Mirn lunar system a prime candidate for interstellar exploration. The story of Taythe begins roughly 4.5 billion years ago. Similar to Kerbol, Kirb was born out of a spinning gaseous cloud of material. Far off in that cloud, another star was born too, but we'll get back to that later. Around Kirb were several planets, including the infamous Ilve. But the planets that are currently around Kirb weren't always there, they were much different. The majority of the planets were much farther out. However, over time and due to gaseous drag, the planets of Vael and Mirn migrated inwards, destroying any planets close to Kirb. However, Dalne and Ilve were dragged inward along with the two gaseous giants, and were safe. Over time, the migration ceased, and the planets stabilized in the positions they are in now. Eventually, around Mirn, five moons formed; Hesmin, Sulph, Taythe, Vesp, and Irnil. Vesp was the first moon to have life on it, albeit very primitive. While it's not clear how the life became extinct, and the world became what it is today, microbial fossils are extremely similar, although more primitive, then the oldest bacterial samples on Taythe. Taythe, protected by a magnetic field and tidal heating, maintained its atmosphere while Vesp lost its own. Under a new, more protective atmosphere, the Vespian microbes thrived, and eventually evolved into the complex life that is there today, including the now-extinct Ka'vi, which brings us to our next topic. The strangely non-decomposed Ka'vi corpses that have been recovered show a strange appendage that can connect with other lifeforms, such as the Kirehorses that inhabit the world. Kerbal scientists are unsure of what this connection does, but it appears similar to the theorized neural network that covers Taythe, meaning that the planet itself might be alive and sentient. The scientific interests and the possible billions in Cantfindium make Taythe a very enticing destination. Many companies have started programs to colonize and mine Taythe, but strangely animals keep destroying any probe or piece of equipment sent down before colonization. Some people think that perhaps the planet itself is making the animals do this, but that is unlikely. So, in conclusion, Taythe is a very interesting world, full of adventure and mystery, and with the upcoming departure of the A.R.K. Intrepid, we will soon find out much more about this strange little moon, around a strange little planet. ~Written by Cort W. Kerman
  21. Well, most of this is fictional, not sure if @StarCrusher96 would want it in a factual wiki
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