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  1. So what you guys are saying is that I should just downgrade my MKS version and see what happens. I am perfectly fine with that tbh, and will try it out to see what happens.
  2. Im running the latest pre-release of the mod on ksp 1.11.2 but I cannot see the kolonization dashboard, I have access to the life support dashboard and that works fine. However, planetary logistics and the dashboard that goes with it are not working.
  3. My KSP version is 1.11.2, I did encounter one problem when downloading constellation, it told me that the WOLF Dll was not compatible with the game version, so I swapped it out for another version of Wolf I had that had worked previously.
  4. Hi, so I am having problems with the orbital shipyards, they have the eva inventory but that is about it, no other functionality. I can provide a picture of anything necessary but there aren't any crashes or crash reports associated with it. I'd appreciate any help.
  5. How do you make a mm patch? Cause that sounds like an amazing idea.
  6. You know, I am sure they are very nice people, but maybe they could make it a tad clearer that it does before you download it...
  7. So, I've been playing a bit with MKS but also with, drum roll please, Interstellar Extended. Yeah, so, I've discovered that both of these are perfectly fine working together in almost everything except reactors... the main thing powering my bases. I've tracked down the problem, I'm fairly certain what needs to be done to fix it, I just can't do the fix myself. Basically, the reactors have decided they want to use UF4 as their fuel (as opposed to enriched uranium) most likely due to an override by IE. However, IE has conveniently decided NOT to override the actual refueling mechanism, which means I can't refuel my reactors (I'll explain why mks can't refuel them either in a sec). So, you'll tell me, just disable the IE override, and to that I say, I'd love to. However, this reduced the output of the reactors to the point that every single base I've made can no longer power itself. So I'm stuck in a dead end. The solution was to incorporate UF4 transfer into the mks fieldrepair system myself. I thought I'd succeeded until I looked into the actual code for the field repair module (on the github). It turns out that nothing I do will allow this to work because the cs file for the module doesn't actually include UF4 and I don't know how to edit the cs file from my install (if that is even possible). So here is the question: Is there ANYTHING I can do to allow field repair to also refill UF4 on my side? Thanks for the help, this is bringing me to my wits' end.
  8. My ksp has been crashing repeatedly every time I launch it, right after the loading screen with the yellow bar, I will insert a link to the crash logs. Thank-you very much for any help that can be offered! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DKTPPaRehIyP5VWNeOs7_Abx2CPkyA32?usp=sharing
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