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Posts posted by boltzens

  1. 20 hours ago, Snark said:

    No secret, it unlocks as soon as you've made five posts.

    Yes, but they've nearly all been in The Lounge and/or Forum Games, which don't count.  Note that your post count only says "5 posts", not 15.

    The good news is that with this post itself you now have 5 "real" posts, so actually you ought to be good to go as of now.  :)

    Aha, thank you for clarifying! 

  2. Hi! And welcome! I'm relatively new too. I wondered if there is a secret recipe to being able to post freely on the forums? I've made about 15 replies (and I promise, I'm a real human being, and following the community rules!) but I'm still getting the message that my posts need to be approved by a moderator. 

  3. A repeating dream in which I keep finding starving, domesticated hamsters that have been abandoned in the wild, and have to find habitats, food, and water to revive them. It kinda feels like a videogame, especially when I wake up freaking out because I'm running out of time...

  4. On 5/25/2015 at 12:28 PM, Arran said:

    Depends, i play computergames since 1974 when i got a phongbox and got addicted to gaming, and in time i seen a great share of good and bad games, some games like BaldursGate, LeisureSuit Larry in the land of Lounge Lizzards, Hero's Quest, Police and Kings Quest, Planescape Torment, Wingcommander, Xwing vs Tiefighter, even MS-Flightsimulator are games i never will forget, KSP is also one of those games that made it in my personal list of Best of All time games.

    What is my most favorite game... TBH i dont know, to many of those, but that KSP is high in my list thats for certain.

    Still when i compare KSP to many games released nowerdays, it stick out with head and shoulders above the rest.

    Finnaly a good game that emphasis on gameplay, instead brute graphical force and shallow gameplay, very refreshing to play.

    Games like GTAV and such, dispite they are stunning to look at, and fun to play, they tend to bore me after a few weeks, KSP, still going strong with me, even after 3 years of play, still enjoying it

    Ah, some of my old favorites. And don't forget Space Quest! :) 

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