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Everything posted by boltzens

  1. Hi! And welcome! I'm relatively new too. I wondered if there is a secret recipe to being able to post freely on the forums? I've made about 15 replies (and I promise, I'm a real human being, and following the community rules!) but I'm still getting the message that my posts need to be approved by a moderator.
  2. cornbread is the food I am craving right now. and always. dry, simple, and plain -- not the over-sweetened, cake-type stuff. and don't get me started on the travesty of adding peppers or anything else to it.
  3. Oh, groot my groot.
  4. "Cross my heart, smack me dead, stick a lobster on my head!" ~ John Crichton, Farscape
  5. My coworkers and I went to a restaurant that actually has something called "mystery meat" on the menu. (no, nobody ordered it)
  6. Went back to grad school to earn my PhD.
  7. Right on. Love Science Friday but had not seen this...thanks for sharing it here!
  8. Great video on a fascinating topic! Thanks for making it happen!
  9. Take a look at the other menu options: http://astronomy.com/ The Magazine, News, Photos, Videos, Blogs, Community, etc
  10. Hi there - you may want to check out some of the observing guides and telescope recommendations that Astronomy Magazine has published: http://astronomy.com/observing/equipment-use
  11. When I got married, I wanted to combine my last name with the guy I was marrying. That didn't end up happening, but my username is what it would have been if I had.
  12. Wow! Nice work in this thread -- great photography!
  13. A repeating dream in which I keep finding starving, domesticated hamsters that have been abandoned in the wild, and have to find habitats, food, and water to revive them. It kinda feels like a videogame, especially when I wake up freaking out because I'm running out of time...
  14. Ah, some of my old favorites. And don't forget Space Quest!
  15. I play a pretty eclectic assortment of games and game genres...recent favorites: Red Dead II God of War Horizon Zero Dawn Also loved Skyrim (), the Mass Effect series, Life is Strange, Edith Finch, and Firewatch. And waaaay back in the day...Space Quest!!
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